When some restaurants make you bring a coupon and restrict the fundraising times to only a couple hours – Qdoba has put no restrictions on their event. Open to close Saturday and Sunday every customer who walks through the door will be counted. No need for a coupon or to say anything. Plus, with the partnership with First Merit Bank 100% of every customers ticket will be going to the Kerstetter Memorial Fund.
I encourage everybody to stop by Qdoba this weekend to support not only the Kerstetter Memorial Fund, but also to show the people at Qdoba and First Merit that we appreciate their amazing event.
The people at Qdoba are showing this weekend that they are a valuable part of this community. Other businesses could take a lesson from them as they plan similar fundraisers.
I would also like to mention the great people at Dairy Queen on North Abbe Road. They held a fundraiser on Thursday where every penny from their small cone sales went to the Kerstetter Memorial Fund. Dairy Queen raised $579.92 during their event. Dairy Queen could have left it at that – but they stepped up and matched the sales and will donate $1160.00 to the fund.
If you know of any other businesses that have or are having fund raisers like Dairy Queen and Qdoba please let us know. You can leave the information in the comments of this story.