Elyria – Police in Elyria have charged a Cleveland man with kidnapping and weapons charges after a woman told them that the man had held her against her will in Lorain for more than 8 days.
Police were first called to 525 South Abbe Road, Kensington Square Apartments, in reference to a male having a female’s car keys and refusing to return them. While responding Officers were informed that the male, later identified as 28 year old Andre F. Jackson of Cleveland, had a weapon under the hood of the car.
When Police arrived they found Jackson leaning against a white Pontiac. Due to the nature of the call Officers ordered Jenkins to show his hands and to step towards them. Once Jenkins was placed in handcuffs Officers were able to speak with the woman who owns the car.
Officers found her inside of an apartment in the L building. She was, as Officers reported, “in the kitchen and timidly peeped her head from around the kitchen. As soon as she saw this Officer she ran towards me crying, and hugging me.” The Officer also stated that he could feel her shaking. After the woman calmed down she gave Police permission to search her car and then told them her story.
The woman stated that she had been held against her will for the past 8 days or more by Andre Jackson (boyfriend). She advised that part of this incident occurred in Lorain at her Gary Ave apartment. The victim told Police that Jackson would beat her up while inside the apartment. One time she called 9-1-1 and when Jackson found out she said he became violent and beat her. Officers observed old bruises and scabs. When Police in Lorain responded to her 9-1-1 call Jenkins held a gun to her head and told her to lie to the Police, which she in turn did. Officers were able to confirm this story through the Lorain Police Department.
While holding the victim against her will Jenkins made her drive him to Cleveland, to a job site, where he was working on remodeling a house. The woman told Officers that he stole tools from the site and put them in the trunk of the car, then tried to sell them at various pawnshops.
The victim told Police that she was finally able to convince Jenkins to take her to her mom’s apartment on South Abbe Road. Once at the apartment the victim went inside while Jenkins waited by the car. The victim said that as soon as she got into the apartment she called the Police.
Police searched the car and found a Cobra .380 semi-automatic handgun. The gun contained a magazine loaded with 5 live .380 rounds. Also, next to the handgun was a plastic baggy containing a box of Herster’s .380 ammunition.
Police also found a large amount of power tools in the trunk of the car including a saw, 2 air nail guns, belt sander and more.
Police have charged Jenkins with Kidnapping, Weapons Under Disability and Improper Handling Firearms in a Motor Vehicle. Jenkins was transported to the Lorain County Jail.