Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

CNN's Kyra Phillps wins the D'OH Award today for forgetting to turn off her mic while she was in the ladies restroom. While CNN was running President Bush live you could hear Phillips talking to another woman in the restroom. To see the footage, CLICK HERE.

So today was the third day of the trial of Craig Miller. Yesterday and the first part of this morning was spent listening to a couple hours of interview tapes between Lt. Rohner and Director Miller. Now, I don't want to say that it wasn't the most exciting thing in the world... Wait, yes I do. Anyway, you can read all about the details from day three in our SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT section.
On a lighter note: When you walk into the courtroom the right side (defense side) is filled with the family and friends of Craig Miller. The right side is media and some stragglers who pop in and out during the day and of course Attorney Michael Duff who stops in to tell jokes now and then. We have also noticed a gentlemen sitting quietly in the back corner taking notes throughout the trial. Someone mentioned that he was a reporter for Lorain County Dot Com. When he heard this he spoke up and identified himself as a staffer for the Betty Sutton campaign. There was obviously some good natured ribbing being done after that point, but he seemed like a very nice guy and when we found out that he has to drive here from Akron every morning we felt bad for him and let up. Ah, the things we do to pass the time.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The second day of the trial against Lorain Safety Service Director Craig Miller opened with a surprise in the courtroom this morning and the start of the Prosecution’s case. Visit our SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT section for full details of today’s proceedings.

The bell rang around 10 this morning in the courtroom of Judge Christopher R. Rothgery in the states case against Lorain Safety and Services Director Craig Miller. Both sides told Judge Rothgery that they were ready to proceed with the trial.First piece of business: Jury Selection. Visit our SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT section for full coverage.
Monday, August 28, 2006

The trial of Lorain Safety Service Director Craig Miller was delayed this morning as the fire alarms sounded around 8:25. The building was evacuated and the Elyria Fire Department responded to investigate. The building was deemed safe for people to go back into a short time later.
Juror selection is under way and will resume after the lunch break. We will have more details posted later this afternoon.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
After the tragic events on 9-11 everyone gained a new found respect for Police, Firefighters and EMS. But like with everything our attention span can be short. We have forgotten the sacrifices that many men and women working in these fields make everyday. Locally we have lost many men and women in the line of duty. Most recently Wellington Fire Department lost a veteran rescue diver, Allan “Buzz” Anderson. Anderson lost his life while trying to save the lives of two local teenagers who were trapped on top of their car in flood waters. Anderson leaves a wife of 20 years and 4 sons behind.
In two weeks there will be a benefit for the Allan “Buzz” Anderson Memorial Fund on the Lorain County Fair Grounds in Wellington. You may have seen details about it in our “In The Community” section. This event is being organized by the Wellington Safety Forces, Harrison Ford and The Southern Star band. All proceeds will go to the Memorial fund. The event will feature music from The Southern Star band, Water Fights with firefighters, raffles, food from Big Dog Catering and much more.
The planning staff is still looking for businesses to donate cash, merchandise, gift certificates or any item that can be raffled off. If you would like to donate or to see if there is anything else that you can do to help make the day a success, please contact Steve Hall at 1-800-686-3614.
TMC NEWS encourages everyone to take a moment and think about what this man did for our community. When the bell rang he answered it. When children were in danger, he responded. Tragic circumstances took his life in those flood waters and now his wife is left to raise their 4 sons. The bell is now ringing for the community to come together. The question is, will you respond?
Saturday, August 26, 2006

Today was the 5th annual "Do The Right Thing" back to school event in downtown Lorain. For complete coverage check out our "In The Community" section.

Tonight TMC NEWS: In The Community traveled to Midview High School for Week One of High School Football. Check out our In The Community section to see all the photos and the results of the game.

A two-car crash on Cooper Foster, just east of Broadway in Sheffield Township sent 3 people to the hospital Friday evening. Witness Dustin Harris tells TMC NEWS that he was on Cooper Foster about to turn onto North Ridge Road when the crash occurred.
“I was heading east and was going to make the turn when the cars hot each other. The SUV just flew up in the air and rolled onto its top. I went over and parked across the street then went over to make sure everyone was ok.”
Sheffield Township Fire Department requested mutual aid from LifeCare Ambulance and Elyria Township Fire and Rescue to help with the patients. The driver of the toppled vehicle had to be extricated from the car.
All victims were transported to Community Health Partners and their conditions are not known at this time. The Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating the crash.
To see all the photos from this crash: CLICK HERE
Friday, August 25, 2006

Lorain Fire Department responded to a report of a house fire early this morning in the 4000 block of Camden Ave. Firefighters were concerned about someone possibly still being in the house at the time of the fire but after a quick and thorough search, they discovered that nobody was in the home. Although the fire gutted the home there were no report of injuries. The Lorain Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau has been called in to investigate the cause of the early morning blaze.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
This section will allow us to grab onto a story and delve right in. There are a lot of stories out there that we believe should be explored a little more in depth and with our SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT section, we can do just that. We encourage our readers to send us suggestions on stories that you would like to see covered. We will also be conducting in depth interviews with local leaders and people that stand out in our community. We hope that you will write to us and share your ideas on possible interviews.
In our very first SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT we will be presenting you the trial of Lorain Safety and Services Director Craig Miller.
We hope you enjoy the new section.

A 12-year-old girl received an electrical shock and was burned Wednesday night around 8pm as she was getting off a ride at the Lorain County Fair in Wellington. The girl had just finished riding the Whirl Wind; a stand up ride that spins you around, as she was stepping off she received the shock when she touched a handrail. The girl was treated by Paramedics at the scene, and then flown by Metro Life Flight to Cleveland where she is listed in stable condition at Metro General Hospital.
The Wellington Fire Department will be asking the Ohio Agricultural Department to do an investigation of the incident.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

To see photos from this crash: CLICK HERE
Ohio State Patrol, LifeCare Ambulance and Elyria Fire Department all responded to the Ohio Turnpike this morning for a report of a single car crash. When officials arrived they immediately dispatched Metro Life Flight to the scene for one of the victims.
Herb dela Porte, Paramedic and Vice President of LifeCare Ambulance said that all three passengers in the car had to be transported, two were in critical condition and one sustained serious injuries. The most critical was flown from the scene by helicopter while the others were taken to Elyria Memorial Hospital by LifeCare and then were flown a short time later to Cleveland.
Assistant Elyria Fire Chief Ron Brlas said that although the car was down in a swampy culvert the rescue went smoothly and quickly. "We sent some tools down by rope, like the Jaws of Life to pop the doors off, but we were able to carry the victims up the hill on the backboards." Brlas said that Metro Life Flight gave an ETA of 18 minutes for a second helicopter, so after conferring with dela Porte of LifeCare they decided to have the second critical patient transported by ambulance to Elyria Memorial. “The male victim who was a passenger in the vehicle was pronounced dead at Cleveland Metro”. The two passengers were the parents of the female driver; they were in town from Romania visiting their daughter.
Witnesses say that the car swerved to miss a tire in the road. The car then went off the road broke through a fence and ended up in a culvert.
Monday, August 21, 2006

The owners of a Car Rental company in Cleveland showed up to work this morning to see that one of their vehicles had been stolen off the lot. In the past they would have just filed a report then just wait and hope that it would be found and returned. That was before GPS. The company, with a fleet of about two-dozen vehicles, installed the GPS system about a year ago and the system has really paid off. The owner said that this is the second stolen vehicle recovered because of the GPS system, most of the time it is used when renters are late returning the vehicles.
The owners started tracking the vehicle and located it parked in the area of Midway Mall, so the owner and an employee jumped in another vehicle and headed for the mall. By the time they got to Elyria from their Brookpark car lot the employees who were watching back at the lot told them that the car had moved, the vehicle was now at the Speedway on Griswold. So the men notified the police then sat across the street to keep an eye on the stolen mini van. Ohio State Patrol officers who were in the area when the call went out quickly arrived and held the two suspects until Elyria Police arrived. The man and woman were both taken into custody and transported to the Elyria Jail. The van was released at the scene to the owners, minus the back seats.
Sunday, August 20, 2006

No, not the Cleveland Brown's - Sherrod Brown. Check out TMC NEWS: In The Community for pictures as Sherrod Brown rolled into downtown Elyria on a really big bus.
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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Two men driving ATV’s during a party late Saturday night crashed head on into each other in a field behind a North Reed Home in Eaton Township. Eaton Township Fire Department responded to the call and quickly dispatched Metro Life Flight to the scene to take one of the victims to Cleveland Metro Hospital. North Ridgeville Fire Department assisted Eaton by transporting one of the victims to Elyria Memorial Hospital while they tended to the victim that was going to be flown from the scene. The accident is under investigation.

A LifeCare Ambulance returning to their station early this morning noticed heavy smoke and flames coming from the back of Chubby's Bar. They quickly notified their dispatcher who contacted the Elyria Fire Department. The fire department was on scene for just over 7 hours bringing the fire under control and making the area safe. The early damage estimates are up near $200,000.00. The Elyria Fire Prevention Bureau and the Elyria Police Department will be conducting investigations into the cause of the blaze.

Elyria Fire Department responded to Chubby's Bar on Broad Street near Cedar for a report of a building fire. As firefighters arrived they found heavy smoke and flames shooting from the roof. Lorain and Avon Fire Departments sent trucks to help cover the city while Elyria Firefighters continued to fight the blaze.
Friday, August 18, 2006
9-1-1: 9-1-1, Do you need Police, Fire or Ambulance?
Thompson: Yes, I need the police and an Ambulance
9-1-1: Ok, where do you need them at?
Thompson: Ah, 710 West 18th St.
9-1-1: 817?
Thompson: 710 West 18th St.
9-1-1: In Lorain?
Thompson: Yes.
9-1-1: Is that an apartment or a house?
Thompson: A house.
9-1-1: Ok, is this a traffic accident?
Thompson: No, I killed my wife by accident
9-1-1: Ok, your cell phone number is ***-****
Thompson: No, it’s not my number it’s my brothers. I went on down so I could call you guys.
9-1-1: Ok, stay on the line I let you talk to the police and I will get an ambulance sir one moment.
Thompson: Ok, thank you.
LPD: Lorain Police may I help you?
Thompson: Yes, I killed my wife by accident and I need you guys here.
LPD: I’m sorry?
Thompson: I killed my wife by accident and I need you guys here.
LPD: You killed your wife by accident?
Thompson: Yeah.
LPD: Where are you?
Thompson: I’m at home.
LPD: What’s your address sir?
Thompson: 710 West 18th Street
LPD: What is it?
Thompson: 710 West 18th Street.
LPD: Ok, what’s your wife’s name?
Thompson: Wendy.
LPD: Wendy what?
Thompson: Thompson
LPD: And what is your name?
Thompson: Robert
LPD: Robert Thompson?
Thompson: Yeah
LPD: What do you mean you did this by accident?
Thompson: Well, she was messing around with some guy at work and she was talking about leaving me and we got into a fight and I choked her. I tried to revive her but she didn’t come (unintelligible)
LPD: Ok, I want you to stay on the phone with me. Where is she now?
Thompson: She’s on the bed.
LPD: She’s on the bed?
Thompson: yeah.
LPD: And you know for sure that she is dead?
Thompson: Yes I do.
LPD: How did you kill her sir?
Thompson: I choked her.
LPD: You choked her?
Thompson: Yeah
LPD: Are there any children in the house?
Thompson: No, just me and her.
LPD: Ok, do you have any weapons in the house?
Thompson: No, no (unintelligible)
LPD: I’m sorry?
Thompson: No, (unintelligible) I don’t.
LPD: Ok, and you say she is on the bed in the bedroom. Is the bedroom upstairs or downstairs?
Thompson: She’s not going to make it today Marti.
LPD: Who you talking to sir?
Thompson: Her ride came to get her for work. I told her that she is not going to make it.
End of tape

Lorain Police were dispatched this morning to the home of Robert and Wendy Thompson around 6:30am for a possible homicide. Mr. Robert Thompson called 9-1-1 this morning and reported that he had accidentally killed his wife. When officers arrived at the West 18th Street home they found the victim, Wendy Marie Thompson, 40, deceased in a first floor bedroom of the residence, apparently a victim of a domestic violence incident. Her husband, Robert Paul Thompson, 42, was present and taken into custody. Mr. Thompson was later charged with Murder and Domestic Violence and transported to the Lorain County Jail. The couple reportedly resided alone at the 710 W. 18th Street home for approximately 3 years.
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Elyria Fire Department responded to Bowling Green Circle this afternoon for a report of a gas line break. When fire officials arrived they found that a city water department crew had struck a “medium pressure” gas line. Captain Joe Pronesti said, “for a residential area it was a pretty substantial size leak”. Pronestti stated that firefighters evacuated residences on either side of the leak as well as checking on an invalid neighbor across the street.
Columbia Gas arrived on the scene to repair the break in the line. Residents remained out of their homes until the gas company and fire officials give the all clear.

A two car crash sends two people to the hospital this afternoon. Elyria Police, LifeCare Ambulance and Elyria Fire Department responded to the intersection of East Ave and Third Street around 11:30am for the crash. LifeCare Paramedics and Elyria Firefighters worked to remove the victims from the vehicle that was struck from behind. The two victims were treated and transported to Elyria Memorial Hospital. Although a field sobriety test was given to the driver of the second car at the scene, no arrests were made at the time of this report.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Judges and city officials broke ground today on the new 10 million dollar Municipal Court Building. The new building will be on the site of the old Elyria Police Station at the northwest corner of Broad & West. The plan is for Judge Musson and Judge Locke Graves to move into their new court building in September of 2007. The costs for the construction will be paid with court fines over the next 25 years. For all of those who have been through the current Municipal court building I think you will agree when we say: It’s about time!

A woman riding her bike across Rt.57 today on West River Road collided with a vehicle that was in the turning lane from Rt. 57 going north on West River. The woman was treated by LifeCare Paramedics and the Elyria Fire Department on the scene then transported to Elyria Memorial Hospital. Elyria Police are investigating the crash.

Elyria Police Department Released the following statement regarding the recent bomb threats to the Elyria Wal Mart store.
Press Release
The Wal Mart store, located at 149 Midway Blvd, Elyria, received 18 bomb threat telephone calls between July 26, 2006 and August 15, 2006.
The Elyria Police Department conducted an investigation into these calls. This investigation led to the arrest of Larry A. Felty, age 40, of Wakeman Ohio. Felty has been charged with Inducing Panic, a Felony 5 and Making False Alarms, a Felony 3. Felty is being held in the Elyria City Jail pending his initial court appearance in Elyria Municipal Court. Felty is the only known suspect in this investigation at this time.
Felty, a former employee of Wal Mart, has made admissions related to the calls. The investigation is continuing and will be presented to the Lorain County Grand Jury at the appropriate time.
Lt. A.D. Eichenlaub

A family moving across country somehow made the mistake of jumpin off the Ohio Turnpike at 145. While trying to get turned back around and back up on the pike, the driver of this large budget truck thought he could turn around on Schadden Road near the Ireland Cancer Center. Well, as you can see that didn't work out so well. The driver and his family were waiting on Dunlaps to arrive with a special tow truck to pull the truck from the ditch around 1am Wednesday morning. Inside the truck, aside from the beds, chairs, tables and other normal household items were 10 birds. All the birds survived the turn into the ditch without a scratch.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Nice melons, beans, peppers and much more can be found at the Ternes Farm road side stand on Route 83 in Eaton Township. If you have a problem finding the joint just look for the blond lady missing one hand standing out front by the stand. The lady has been waving to customers and cars zippin by for the last 17 years. Tanna Ternes said that over the years she has changed hair colors and regularly change outfits on their farm mascot. “Even customers are offering suggestions about outfits or how to do her hair”. The years in the sun have not been kind to the lady though, her left hand kinda just fell off one day. No plans at this point to replace it. If you have any suggestions for a new outfit or perhaps an idea for name, stop by the stand and drop it in the suggestion box.
Sunday, August 13, 2006

The fire that TMC NEWS was first to report to you this morning has taken the life of a sleeping woman. Neighbors were talking about her this morning, hoping that she had not been in the house at the time of the fire. "She has had so many problems in the past and she was recently involved in a motorcycle accident" said one nighbor. As firefighters moved through the house they discovered the body in a middle bedroom. TMC NEWS has not confirmed that all of the family have been notified so we will not be releasing her name at this time.

Click here to see more photos
Eaton Township Fire Department responded to a house fire on Melody Lane around 5:30am Sunday morning. When fire crews arrived they found a fully involved house fire. Departments from Carlisle & Columbia responded to assist Eaton. Neighbors told us that they woke up to someone pounding on their door yelling fire. When they went to the door they saw their next door neighbors home engulfed in flames. The witneses said that they kept hearing small explosions coming from the two cars that were also on fire in the driveway. The siding on the neighbors house was melting from the heat of the flames. Firefighters had the blaze under control within an hour but the home was totally gutted. Cause of the fire is under investigation by the state fire marshall's office.