To see all photos from the fire and aftermath: CLICK HERE

A LifeCare Ambulance returning to their station early this morning noticed heavy smoke and flames coming from the back of Chubby's Bar. They quickly notified their dispatcher who contacted the Elyria Fire Department. The fire department was on scene for just over 7 hours bringing the fire under control and making the area safe. The early damage estimates are up near $200,000.00. The Elyria Fire Prevention Bureau and the Elyria Police Department will be conducting investigations into the cause of the blaze.

A LifeCare Ambulance returning to their station early this morning noticed heavy smoke and flames coming from the back of Chubby's Bar. They quickly notified their dispatcher who contacted the Elyria Fire Department. The fire department was on scene for just over 7 hours bringing the fire under control and making the area safe. The early damage estimates are up near $200,000.00. The Elyria Fire Prevention Bureau and the Elyria Police Department will be conducting investigations into the cause of the blaze.
maybe if we're lucky they'll build a bigger and better chubbys!! i don't frequent chubbys often, in fact never, but i have seen the place and since nobody was killed, i will say that a smoking pile of rubble is a much prettier sight
The Fire station is right behind Chubby's--why did it take so long to put it out?
The back door of Chubby's is literally about 50 yards from the firehouse.
Haasenfoose, just for the record TMC NEWS stated that the fire crews were on scene for about 7 hours - this was based on the report from the fire department. We never questioned how long it took. Having arrived shortly after the first fire trucks we can safely say that our belief is that the fire department did a great job. As the photos show the fire was rollin pretty strong. The building was vacant and set to be demolished soon. Nobody knows how long the fire had been going before the LifeCare Ambulance crew noticed it and contacted the fire department. Perhaps "anontmous" should revisit the photos from the fire before he or she questions the Elyria Fire Department.
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