So today was the third day of the trial of Craig Miller. Yesterday and the first part of this morning was spent listening to a couple hours of interview tapes between Lt. Rohner and Director Miller. Now, I don't want to say that it wasn't the most exciting thing in the world... Wait, yes I do. Anyway, you can read all about the details from day three in our SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT section.
On a lighter note: When you walk into the courtroom the right side (defense side) is filled with the family and friends of Craig Miller. The right side is media and some stragglers who pop in and out during the day and of course Attorney Michael Duff who stops in to tell jokes now and then. We have also noticed a gentlemen sitting quietly in the back corner taking notes throughout the trial. Someone mentioned that he was a reporter for Lorain County Dot Com. When he heard this he spoke up and identified himself as a staffer for the Betty Sutton campaign. There was obviously some good natured ribbing being done after that point, but he seemed like a very nice guy and when we found out that he has to drive here from Akron every morning we felt bad for him and let up. Ah, the things we do to pass the time.
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