BREAKING NEWSBucyrus Ohio – An Ohio State Trooper was killed tonight after a crash while responding to a call in southern Ohio.
The Trooper, whose name we’re not releasing at this time, had just graduated from the 149th State Patrol Academy in December and was assigned to the Bucyrus Post of the Ohio State Highway Patrol.
We’re told that the Trooper and a Field Training Officer, who was in the passenger seat, were responding to a call when they went off the right side of the road. The Training Officer was flown to Toledo from the scene and is listed in fair condition.
UPDATE 10:00PM – The Ohio State Highway Patrol has released the name of the Trooper that was killed tonight as 25-year-old Andrew C. Baldridge.
Baldridge and another Trooper were responding to a call for mutual aid from the Wyandot County Sheriff’s Department at the time of the crash. The single vehicle crash sent the two Troopers off the side of the road and rolled several times before coming to rest on its roof – trapping both men inside. After Firefighters extricated the men the Training Officer was flown to Mercy St. Vincent Hospital in Toledo and Baldridge was pronounced dead at the scene.
Sheriff Michael Hetzel of the Wyandot County Sheriff’s Department said that he knew Baldridge well and that he was the type of kid parents would want their daughter to bring home. “This is all he ever wanted to do. It’s like losing your own son and I have sons in law enforcement and this is not going to be a good time for anybody.”
The crash occurred at Township Highway 95 near Township Highway 27 / Brown Road southwest of the Village of Carey at around 6:20 p.m.
Baldridge grew up in Carey Ohio and had just graduated from the State Patrol’s 149th Academy Class in December. Baldridge was selected by his 37 fellow graduates to be the class speaker at the graduation. Baldridge thanked the Academy and the families of the cadets for all of their support during their training. Courses completed by the 149th class included firearms, traffic and criminal laws, self-defense, human relations and crash investigation training. Cadets also drove on the performance track at the Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy (OPOTA) in London.