Today’s D’OH Award goes to the person who secured, or didn’t secure, the cargo on the back of a Weingold Transport Semi.
The semi was traveling east on Broad Street this afternoon and lost part of its load between Winckles and Prospect. A crane from Ashun Crane Company out of Grafton came to the rescue moving the giant thing-a-ma-jig off the curb and returning it to the back of the Weingold Transport flatbed.
Elyria Police stopped traffic until the giant thing-a-ma-jig was safely placed back on the truck next to the even more giant sized whatyamacallit. No injuries were reported.To see more pics: CLICK HERE
In honor of this "D'OH!" moment, everyone in the TMC NEWS camp should create their own simpsons avatar...
Go to this link http://www.simpsonsmovie.com/
and click the link at the top of the page.
have fun!
I love the technical jargon lol
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