Elyria – Hundreds lined the streets Saturday afternoon to pay respects for a man they never met. People of all ages stood quietly as the funeral procession of Army SPC. Jason Cox left the First Baptist Church in Carlisle Township and made its way through downtown Elyria before heading to Brookdale Cemetery.
As the procession traveled north on West Ave – Veterans, who are now residents of the Wesleyan Village, saluted as the hearse passed. An employee said the residents wanted to wear their military uniforms but were unable. “They just really wanted to be out here as the procession passed by – they said they wanted to do this for the Soldier and for his family.”
Jason Cox was killed on June 16th in Iraq by an improvised explosive device. He was due to return home on leave in July – He was due to marry his sweetheart, Erika Kranek, next year.
If you were one of the many who were unable to attend Saturday’s service but wanted to – we have posted over 100 photos from the services. The best way to view the gallery is by clicking on the “SLIDESHOW” button on the top right hand corner of the photo page. To view the photos: CLICK HERE
God bless you Spec. Jason Cox and thank you for your altimate sacrifice for our freedom. As a veteran of the 82nd myself I know what is expected of all members of the military and Jason gave his life so the rest of us can live in this wonderful country. Also thank you to his brothers for being on the front lines and his family for allowing us to know Jason and to celebrate is life. You will not be forgotten! Airborne....all the way. Robert Haas, 618 engineer co., 307th bn, 82nd Airborne Division.
E.F.D. Eng.Co.3
Lorain Blvd. @ Bell
I was in Ely Square with my daughter and best friend to pay tribute to our fallen hero. This collection of pictures is very moving and captures the gratitude of our town for the ultimate sacrifice that was made by this young man. Thank you to all those who have served, are serving, and will serve. Freedom is not free and we appreciate all that our soldiers give up to keep our country safe.
Just want to commend tmcnews on the great job they do. I appreciate the coverage of this story and since I was not able to be there it was nice to be able to at least see what took place. Thanks again
My heart and my respect go out to the Cox family. I am a Veteran and have lost two friends to war. As I watched the family during the funeral services at the church and at graveside I must say the two sons were inspirational as they comforted each other and their family as well as remaining stohic and military sharp. They truly made me proud to be an American.
The Honor Guard once again performed their duties flawlessly and with the up most respect. They made me proud to be an American.
The people who stood along the route with their family, flags and signs extended support to the family that they may never know. Also made me proud to be an American.
The members of the media who attended the funeral I wasn’t so sure about. When I saw coverage in the papers and on TV in the past I was never quite sure what to think. Parts of me said leave the family alone to grieve together. This is the first funeral that I attended of a local Soldier and was able to see the media folks first hand. I saw the gentlemen from Laubenthal Funeral Home directing them upstairs to the loft and for the most part they all followed the directions and were respectful. I was proud of how the members of the media who were attending the funeral acted until I arrived at Brookdale for the gravesite service. All but one media person showed tremendous respect for the family and friends attending the service by keeping a nice distance. Then I spotted one man standing up close along side of several military men just feet from the grave. He stood out because he had a note pad out and was writing during the service then asking questions right after. I approached him and nicely asked who he represented, he responded the Lorain Morning Journal. I thanked him for his answer and politely refused to answer his question of how I was feeling about Soldiers death. I will be sending a letter to the management of the Morning Journal to express my disgust at the man intruding the way he did. If you want, look through the photos on TMC News gallery and you will see him in photo number 94.
TMC News, I have never seen this site before today. While entering Brookdale I saw your car with the tmcnews.net on your back window so I wanted to check out your coverage as I did with everyone else. I cannot tell you how impressed I am with the photo gallery of the services. So respectful and so well done. I have sent the link out to many family and friends that live out of state. I agree with the other person who commented how your gallery will be comfort to the family for years to come and a reminder of the support they received during their time of loss. Thank you for the work you did and the gallery that you have presented.
To all Soldiers, active and retired and to their families, God Bless you. You make me PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!
Thanks TMC. God Bless Spec. Jason Cox and his family.
Everything that I have seen, read or heard about how this family is handling this tragic time makes me proud to be an American and a Christian. I pray that if my 21 year old Marine who is just finishing his MOS is ever required to sacrifice his life for this nation - that both he and I would have the same testimony that the Cox family has exhibited.
Thank you TMC for the photo's.
God Bless America and all those who defend Her.
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