The crash occurred just after 1PM Thursday afternoon on Tower Blvd and Ashland Ave. Neighbors say excessive speed and someone not paying attention was the cause of the wreck.

Neighbors say that the crash is one of many that have been occurring at the intersection of Tower and Ashland, they say today’s crash should prove to city officials that a light is desperately needed for the intersection.
The Lorain Police Department Traffic Division is investigating the crash.
To see more photos from the scene: CLICK HERE
Oh my GOD,LFD went on a call. I think I'm going to have a heart attack. But, I'll have to rely Life Care to save me. LFD is to good to get out of the lazy boys to do it.
That intersection does not need a light. People just need to pay attention.
Damn that is shocking... i guess all the kitty's were safe from being stuck in the tree's....
Dear anonymous posters #1 & 3. Not fans of Lorain Fire? Why not? Get turned down from the list or something? And why not post your names, cowards? Shit me up why are you slamming LFD? Haas
I guess posters #1 and #3 have forgotten about the bravery of our fire department during the massive fire a few years ago on Beavercrest Drive. Or how about the fire at the Antlers recently where people had to be rescued off the roof? I suspect THEY don't feel the way that you do. If I have to choose between posters 1 & 3, or the LFD to save my life, I think I will go with the LFD. Great work LFD. Thankfully most people are not as uninformed as posters 1 & 3, and are fully aware of the fine work that you do on a daily basis. What a couple of sniveling cowards.....
Well I hate to tell you I see Lorain FD taking the huge fire truck to Super K to go shopping for food and stuff. While an elderly person is having a shortness of breath and they won't respond as 1st responders. I am informed. I myself work in emergency services. I know LFD don't respond anymore to ems calls in the city. They say it's because of money. The City of Elyria is having money trouble too. However Elyria FD still responds as 1st responders to ems calls in the city. As for the Beavercrest fire, they has several fire departments there because the fire hydrants weren't working. They needed the water shuttle to bring in water to fight the fire. LFD don't want to respond to calls anyway. They always talk their way out of them. I called the non emergency number for a problem and they didn't want to respond. It was my CO detector going off. I called the gas company. They came out. Thank God it was my dectector going bad and I'm not dead. To me they don't a job that they get paid for.
Gus, you are a liar. Maybe you should get your facts straight before looking like an idiot. L.F.D. does not respond due to manning. Why would a city endanger the lives of its citizens by running on calls that are already covered by very capable people in Lifecare? I could see if the staffing was back to where it was when L.F.D. did first respond but it isn't and they make sure an adequate firefighters are available for Fire/Rescue calls.
I also bet my paycheck that you never called about a C.O. problem, it can be proven because all lines are recorded so if you just stop in and give us a time and day then it can be looked up.
Next time you post that you are informed, at least try to sound like it. Work in the Emergency field? I doubt it, just a whiner.
Pete "The Meat" Avon
Here's a little piece of information...
The Beavercrest Apartment fire started off as a kitchen fire. The fire department responded and put the fire out, or so they thought. the fire then spread to the common attic area and subsequently burned the building down. By the time the fire department got back there, it had too much of a head start.
I'm not bashing LFD. It's just the facts. It could (and does) happen to everyone. LFD has a great bunch of guys working there. I know a few of them. It's not the guys on the trucks that are making the policy of what they will and will not respond too.
Thanks LFD for all that you do.
Stay Safe
As a former paramedic with Lifecare and 911 operator I can tell you that Lorain fire has personally responded when I needed them *and* without hesitation.
We had lines hanging down in our driveway and could not pull in our driveway. They came out and helped us prop 'em up and told us what line it was (cable) so we could call to get it repaired.
Granted, it wasn't a big emergency, but they came out when I needed them.
I have personally seen them in the worst winter weather, battling fires as water blows in their faces and freezes and THEN watch as they have to put their trucks back together. I have seen them go into places I wouldn't dare. All I have to do is wait until they deliver the patient to me.
I have PERSONALLY seen them RISK their own lives on one of the worst calls I have ever been on, giving mouth to mouth to three babies who were shot by their mother and their house set ablaze. Even covered in blood, they tried to revive those children as they handed them to me. I got to transport all those firefighters (10 yrs ago) in the back of my squad for a battery of tests afterwards, to make sure they were not exposed to anything. I sat in silence there, with them.
I know how hard ALL the firefighters work in our county. I know none of them want to sit and not do anything, but they are bound to what upper management and government tells them to do.
And when you work a 24 hr shift, you have to eat. I have driven to fast food places, grocery stores, etc and parked my squad outside as well. Why is that a big deal?? In our professions (even at 911) we probably spend more time with my coworkers than with our own families. I loved working with them on calls as well....back in the day.
People armchair quarterback everything we do in emergency services because our jobs are public. Our jobs and what we do ends up on the evening news quite frequently and people are quick to say how things *should* go. If only it were that easy.
So, the next time you guys cook, give us a ring at 911 and we will bring a covered dish and camp out in your lazys boys with ya! I make a mean paprikash! ;)- In fact, you may have had some already, Pumper Pete!
Gus, let me tell you....I DO work in the emergency medical field, and have done so for the past 26 years. I have never, repeat NEVER, had a problem with the Lorain Fire Department (or the fire departments in any of our neighboring communities). Frankly, it is a gross waste of taxpayer money to have the LFT fire trucks resond to EVERY emergency call, which is what they were doing for quite some time. Check the price of gas lately? Have any idea how much it was costing the city of Lorain to have these trucks respond to EVERY emergency call, regardless of whether or not there was a fire??? Frankly, I would personally prefer that the city use that money and fix our deteriorating streets.
And yes, I suppose they DO go to Super-K to shop for food. These guys work 48-hour shifts and they have to eat SOMETIME. Perhaps you think they have domestic help to do the shopping? And before you make any more erroneous statements regarding the fire on Beavercrest, you better do some fact checking, buddy. The personnel from the LFD were the first to respond and the last to leave...days later!!! Yes, other departments were there to help; we have reciprical agreements with our surrounding communities, and it was a HUGE FREAKING FIRE, you idiot!
Lastly, get yourself a dictionary and learn to spell, or for the love of God, use your spell check.
i think everyone needs to stop slamming eachother on the different departments for a second and realize that everyone on that call worked as team to help those people that were involved in that mva.the pt's would not of got out of that car if it wasn't for the fire department. so i say great job guys and i will seeing you guys on calls....also great job to lifecare and lpd.....
Manpower is too low to run EMS first responder calls? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. You have more people on duty then Elyria and they continue to run on EMS calls. Answer this question, if you can. You have 17 guys on duty. All are on station. A call comes in for a heart attack comes in on the south side near your station, the victim is not breathing. Why can that crew not respond and begin CPR on the victim until the ambulance arrives on scene? And before you say, well what if a fire call comes in? I answer that this way, then leave the scene and respond to the fire call.
I am interested in hearing the responses.
Also, I do agree that there are many good people on the LFD and EFD. As well there are a lot of good people on the LPD and the EPD. For those of you who say that every person on a department is good and every one wants to run EMS calls or whatever are not being realistic. You know that there are guys on both LFD and EFD want nothing to do with EMS calls. They would rather stay in house and do nothing. Like I am sure there are a lot of guys on LFD and EFD that want to get out and run as much as possible.
So with that said, I look forward to seeing how people answer my question.
you all bash LFD there was a fire over here a few houses down from mine on root and they were there within a few mins and they had the fire out within a min of behing there good job LFD
If a fire call or any call for that matter comes in and you leave the EMS scene without being relieved by emergency crews with the same or higher qualifications, it is called abandonment and is against the law.
I wonder how the victims of this horrific crash are doing... but I guess nobody cares about them. Everyone would much rather talk about LFD.
Thank you tmcnews for showing up late to this accident.
"Thank you tmcnews for showing up late to this accident.
As opposed to showing up early? Let's think, Matt...
As for the rest, quit complaining like LFD is EFD.
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