The resident called the Elyria Police after witnessing a man attempting to get into the closed business – they were able to provide Police Dispatchers with a clear description of the man and his vehicle. Police say nearby traffic spooked the suspect and he fled the scene but with the description they had from the witness a responding Officer spotted the suspect and attempted to pull him over.

Police say that the suspect, Ricky Michaels of Elyria, has a lengthy record of theft, breaking and entering and passing bad checks.
Ironically, the driveway he pulled into on Dewey belongs to an employee of the Lowell Street Café.
To see more photos from the scene: CLICK HERE
i wonder if the suspect knew the employee. it seems a little odd that he would have chose that driveway. hmmmm, i would be questioning the employee as well. maybe the employee told the suspect where the cash was and how to get to it. just a thought.
good point!
At least it's a chase where the suspect didn't jump in the river. He was close enough to Cascade to give it a try though.
Also, silverdud, I tend to agree that this does stretch the laws of probability a little high as to why he picked that driveway.
he had work there a couple of time. he even worked for nick when he owned nicks restraunt. nick likes to hire crimminals. most of hes works have already been to prison before. p.s and crake heads so he put that on himkself
lol @ anonymous. do you work for nick too??
i used to work for nick i was there for a couple of years
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