The precocious kids grabbed the keys to the family van, left a note for their sleeping mom and took off. The kid’s destination was BFI in Carlisle Township where their father worked. They only made it about two miles before crashing into a fence in the 3700 block of Elyria Ave.
LifeCare Paramedics had the two children in the ambulance while Police Officers went to their home, picked up mom and brought her to the scene. She traveled in the ambulance as the kids were taken to Community Health Partners for evaluation. Herb de la Porte, Vice President of LifeCare Ambulance said that both children received only minor injuries during the crash.
At this time no charges have been filed.
Photo courtesy
How very sweet that they wanted to see thier dad and I am VERY glad they are ok. I hope that they learned a valuable lesson. I hope that mom and dad learned one too. The mother should have been awake with these kids.
That could have been a very dangerous situation for both the kids and others on the road. I'm glad nobody got hurt.
One (or both) parents should be charged with child endangering! Why? Because this is probably not the FIRST time that kid has driven a vehicle. Somebody has encouraged him to drive. Why? So they could say that "He looks so cute behind the wheel." Without previous "experience," a 9-year-old wouldn't be able to get today's safety-conscious vehicles out of the driveway. Somebody's been teaching him and should face charges!!!
Actually I think the girl was driving not the boy.
Can you say "Grounded For Life?"
Yes, we are glad that were not seriously injured, but I think their "fannies" are going to be a little red.
Regarding the comment: "One (or both) parents should be charged with child endangering! Why? Because this is probably not the FIRST time that kid has driven a vehicle. Somebody has encouraged him to drive. Why? So they could say that "He looks so cute behind the wheel." Without previous "experience," a 9-year-old wouldn't be able to get today's safety-conscious vehicles out of the driveway. Somebody's been teaching him and should face charges!!!"
Where do people get off making these kinds of absurd assumptions? I do not know any of the people involved, and I am a little skeptical of the circumstances myself, but I would NEVER make the kind of dangerous assumptions that this person has made. Today's kids are far more resourceful than we ever were, and if they wanted to get a car out of the driveway, I am quite certain that it would not be a problem for them.
I sure hope that YOUR kids (or grandkids) never do anything wrong, because you just might have the same kind of assumptions made about YOU.
I say the mom should have been up and her keys should have been somewhere the kids coulden't get them. so yeah she should be charged with something. What if the kids would have killed someone or killed themselves. Best part of the outcome is that no one was hurt and if those were my kids when they got home they wouldent be able to sit down for a few weeks there butts would be so black and blue.
God you people all make me sick....
Seriously EVERY single story you have to jump in and pass your stupid little judgements..he should be hung, they should be charged, they should do this, they should do that....holy crap you make me sick.
You sit around pontificating about things that you don't even understand.
Are your worlds really this small? Do you really think your opinion matters? All you do is post inane comments and then get mad when some other bumpkin disagrees with you.
Polish up the trailer, turn up the country music and have a beer...
"God you people all make me sick....
Seriously EVERY single story you have to jump in and pass your stupid little judgements..he should be hung, they should be charged, they should do this, they should do that....holy crap you make me sick.
You sit around pontificating about things that you don't even understand.
Are your worlds really this small? Do you really think your opinion matters? All you do is post inane comments and then get mad when some other bumpkin disagrees with you.
Polish up the trailer, turn up the country music and have a beer..."
okay you little reader your comment wasent needed. i already have the country up and the beers cracked man. facts are fact and comments are comments. whats wrong with someone expressing thier feelings... if you dont like it dont read it.... bottom line bro
Anonymous said...
God you people all make me sick....
Seriously EVERY single story you have to jump in and pass your stupid little judgements..he should be hung, they should be charged, they should do this, they should do that....holy crap you make me sick.
You sit around pontificating about things that you don't even understand.
Are your worlds really this small? Do you really think your opinion matters? All you do is post inane comments and then get mad when some other bumpkin disagrees with you.
Polish up the trailer, turn up the country music and have a beer...
To anonymous:
First of all, if you are getting sick reading the comments you might want to go to the doctor and get something for that.
We don't normally pass judgments on here, we discuss and hope that the punishment fits the crime - and yes, sometimes we disagree. But mostly we see how others would feel about a situation. Thats normal life when more than one person has an opinion. Again, if that makes you sick, you might want to mention it to the doctor you need to see.
Next, who are you to say that we sit around pontificating what we don't understand? The last time I looked TMC was written in English and all of the commentors that I have read posted in English. English is a very easy to understand language. Furthermore, I understand that I am a mother of a now teenage son and that at no time in his life has he ever caught me sleeping and pulled a stunt such as this one. First of all, I have never slept and left him alone and awake. Secondly he was taught right and wrong a long time ago. He knows that until he has a drivers license he cannot drive. Enough said on that issue.
With the advent of the computer and the internet: everyone's world is now small.
Our opinions do matter. Changes are not made if we don't share our thoughts and opinions. Its part and parcel with freedom of speech.
We can agree to disagree on certain things, thats an adult behavior.
I'll get off my soap box and finish with this:
My HOUSE is clean, the COUNTRY is cranked (My girl GRETCHEN WILSON is currently saluting me with a little ditty called REDNECK WOMAN) and the MILLERS is frosty and I am responding to your pitiful comment. Patsy
Wow! Good thing public hangings arent' still a form of entertainment.
I honestly don't know a single parent, myself included, whose child(ren) haven't gotten into extremely dangerous situations while backs are turned. Most don't make the headlines, but like these two adventurous kids, thankfully, most come out of it unharmed, lesson learned.
Honestly people, tear down your guillotines already. Most likely, there isn't much you could do to make these parents feel any worse.
I have to agree with anonymous, who started out by saying "God you people all make me sick...." although I am not so sure that I would have gone so far as to suggest that the other responders were dirty, beer guzzling, trailer trash country folk.
Ask any woman RIGHT NOW where her car keys are, and I suspect that 95% will say that they are in their purse, which is exactly where these kids got hold of their mother's keys. Sure, she should not have been sleeping, but I don't know the circumstances surrounding her fatigue, and neither do you. Perhaps she was up all night with a sick child, perhaps she worked the night shift and fell asleep despite her best efforts, etc.. I think you can see where this is going.
Come on people, lighten up a little! Thankfully no one was hurt, and hopefully all of the members of this family have learned a valuable lesson. I hope that none of you ever finds yourself in a situation where a lot of unknonw people can crucify you anonymously on the internet for all to see, saying outrageous things!
If u cant take care of them and watch over them all the time dont have them thats half the darn problem in lorain... and again drinking miller lite and listening to country
Well folks here it is if anonymous wants to tell us not to pass judgement then maybe they should do the same. HOW DARE YOU PASS JUDGEMENT ON US AND CALL US TRAILER TRASH. FOR YOUR INFORMATION YES I AM A COUNTRY GIRL AND DAMN PROUD HOWEVER I AM FAR FROM TRASH. Next instead of wasting your time reading something you dont agree with heres a little hint DONT READ THE COMMENTS. Am I correct in saying that you can read the story without reading the comments? What is the purpose of the comments? To allow people to discuss their opinions. We dont need some a-hole like you coming in and trying to put us down. Go somewhere else because your not needed here. Also why so afraid to put your name? I had so much more I could have said but wont for two reasons A. I dont think its appropriate on here and B. I dont want to be as ignorant as you. Now if you will excuse me my beer is calling my name.
^see that? thats my name I am woman enough to sign my opinon and let the world know who I am and what I stand for.
You have made some valid points, I grant you that.
In a perfect world that 9 year old and 5 year old pulling this stunt would have been something to smile and shake your head about and wonder where that resourceful little boy learned how to drive.
But this world is not perfect. Lorain County is full of pedophiles, there are murderers out there, there are druggies out there, there are drunk drivers out there.
I don't know how much damage the van had before that little boy got hold of the keys but it sure looks beat up now. The front bumper took a good hit from the picture. Most 9 year olds aren't tall enough to be buckled up and still reach the gas or brake pedal. Thankfully, the kids weren't hurt.
BUT what gets me as a mother is the what if?
What if those kids were seriously or even fatally injured?
How many "reasons" would make it acceptable then?
What if when they left mommy asleep and left the house, a pedophile crossed their path?
How many "reasons" could that pedophile give to make his crime acceptable: " I come across these 2 kids with out their parent and I thought it was ok to rape and torture them!" Would that make it all right?
Or worse, they were caught in the middle of a drug war? It not like gunfire is unheard of in Lorain County.
No we do not know WHY the mom was asleep but facts are facts. She was asleep, her kids got in the van and drove 2 miles and was in an accident.
Kids are precious, kids are curious but ultimately kids are a Responsibility. Its up to us as adults to make sure that all kids are safe and that all kids know right from wrong.
If my being vocal about children's safety makes ONE parent take their role as a parent more seriously then my mission has been accomplished. But then again, thats just my opinion! Patsy
PS: My car keys are where they have always been since I became a mother: IN a locked box and the key to the lock box is hidden where my son can't find it!
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