The event is a 4-man scramble and your entry of $60.00 gets you 18-Holes of golf with a cart, lunch and a steak dinner. Beer and wash also provided.
Golfers will also be participating in a Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin contest. Skins Game and 50/50 Raffles will also be available.
For More Information Call 949-6053, ask for Pete Rudkin, Aaron Lewis, or Chad Bowman. You can purchase Golf Tickets from any Sheffield Village Firefighter – 4340 Colorado Ave. Sheffield Village.
If you have a business and would like to sponsor a Tee Box or you would just like to send a personal message – Tee Box signs are available for only $100.00. Contact Pete Rudkin for more information on the signs: 440.949.6053.
Does anyone know which charity organization benefits from the proceeds of this event?
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