Sunday, December 16, 2007


“Oh the weather outside is frightful…” Well, I hope you’ve stocked up on long johns and tube socks, because this weather is gonna be a DOOZEY!

So, what’s up Lorain County? I’ll tell you what’s up, my blood pressure! That shovel will be the death of me I tell you! Those of us who thought having a long driveway was a good thing are wishing that it were a tad bit shorter. So put on a warm blanket, light a fire (preferably in a fireplace) and we’ll try to keep each other warm with the love of this Christmas season. (Which may require a few more shots of Uncle Bob’s egg nog!)

I think we’ll start with some good news. Phillip K. Stern II pleads guilty in a Lorain County Courtroom on charges of aggravated vehicular homicide, operating a vehicle intoxicated and failure to comply. What a bizarre person, and I hope they throw the book at him. It was kind of refreshing to see his mug shot, his beady little eyes, glazed over with stupidity and his fat little head, popping out of his neck brace. If the Honorable Judge Jason was here, he’d throw the book at him, literally. And probably rule that this clown be strapped into a GEO Metro and rammed with an 18 wheeler. But, who am I to judge… ME THAT’S WHO! You’re lucky I don’t have my gavel with me.

Next, a fire at the Antlers, the Steel Mill, 12th street, and Oberlin Ave; Now I know my “fire gnome” theory didn’t go over that well but come on! There’s no other sensible solution! Accept it, believe in it, and if you find it; turn it in for cash! But seriously, I will reiterate the necessity of proper fire safe guards; make sure you have everything you need to keep you and yours safe. Luckily no one was killed by any of these fires, you can always rebuild a building, but you’ve only got one shot on this crazy ride called life. (Unless you’re Shirley Maclain, but she’s got “shotgun” on the crazy train too)

Speaking of crazy; let’s talk about this homicide in Lorain where the husband (recently separated) guns down his wife’s lover. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he had his kids with him. Merry Freakin’ Christmas kids; your daddy’s a MANIAC! What a shame. And forgive me for not understanding this. Why: if you’re wife and you are “separated” and she decides to get a little action on the side; why are you mad at her lover? Isn’t he just an innocent bystander? After all, he’s not married to you; he’s not lying to you about where he is. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying he should’ve shot his wife, BUT he sure has no reason to kill the “other” man. What did he think? “Maybe if her lover is dead, she’ll come running back to me?” Sure, that’ll show her what she was missing out on … a HOMICIDAL LUNATIC! Another prime example where he should’ve put the gun to his own head first. There’s no reason for this, and now he’ll be in prison taking an extended vacation on our dimes. I really hope his children can cope with this and learn that this is not the way to deal with their problems. My thoughts and prayers go out all the families involved.

What about the kid who took Mercury to school in Midview? What a brilliant idea. Now, I am not going to make fun of the Midview school system, or the fact that a High School student didn’t know that Mercury was a dangerous material. In fact I am not going to make fun of anyone. That being said… What moron plays with mercury and decides it’d be a great idea to take it to school and pour it all over the place? IDIOT! That’s all I will say. Except, parents; if you sense your teen may have damage to their central nervous system, or see them breaking old thermometers and playing in puddles of Mercury…do I really need to go on? NO.

More major accidents this week, one even claiming a life, so let’s all remember to take it easy, slow down and watch where you’re going. We mustn’t forget that it is that time if year where the deadly combination of snow, booze and cars can totally ruin your holiday spirit. So if you drink, don’t drive. If you can’t drive, walk. And if you don’t like snow, MOVE SOMEWHERE ELSE!

Finally, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year…” so let’s try to keep it that way. Don’t forget to tell the people you love, that you love them. Keep our men and women in uniform in your hearts and prayers. Give and don’t expect anything in return (and not for a tax break).

You know, I was thinking about the comments I’ve received in the past and how everyone always wants something and you’ll never please everyone. That’s when I remember that I’m not here to make anyone listen to what I say or take everything so seriously. I am here to invoke some passion, some fire, and some humor too. My gym teacher used to say, “Hey Jason, are you having a good day?” Being that I was in school of course I would say NO! Then he’d smile and say, “Well, that’s your fault!” It’s true, no one makes you feel the way you do. You’re in charge of that, and if you’re not…TAKE CHARGE! Don’t let anyone control your day or week or month or year or life! You decide what makes you happy and run with that. That’s what makes us thrive, makes us who we are. I have never said that I am any better than anyone (only smarter and better looking, ha-ha). But if loving my life seems a little hoity-toity; then I am guilty as charged! So what are you gonna do about it? Don’t get mad, get even!

Christmas is a great time to refocus and decide what you’re going to strive for in the coming year. Don’t do the, “same ol’ same ol’” try for something bigger and better. It’ll work out, I promise.

So, what about you? Are you having a good day? Don’t let anything be your fault!

Alright people; be safe, be Merry, tell Grandma to watch out for reindeer (and take her keys if she’s dancing in front of the wine cabinet). Most importantly, don’t shoot anyone.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And forgive me for not understanding this. Why: if you’re wife and you are “separated” and she decides to get a little action on the side; why are you mad at her lover? Isn’t he just an innocent bystander? After all, he’s not married to you; he’s not lying to you about where he is. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying he should’ve shot his wife, BUT he sure has no reason to kill the “other” man."

If you are legally separated,(and I don't know if it is legal or not) you are allowed to live your life free from your partner and do as you wish. It isn't about "getting a little action on the side". They parted ways for a reason.. I honestly can't believe some of the comments that come out of your mouth sometimes and really hope the family and the children do not see your "entertaining" commentary on their tragedy. If I were the family and saw you poking fun at my mother, her "action on the side and the comments regarding their father I would be highly upset."

There are just some things you shouldn't make fun of.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sense of humor on sale today for $5 at Target! Run, don't walk to the sale!!! If you miss it due to the weather, let me know and I'll buy you one myself at full cost.


5:50 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Wow Donna. Talk about sensitive. Maybe Jason's articles should be best left for those of us who have a sense of humor. Jason is a realist. He speaks it like he sees it. I think he's right on this one. This is how people are. There is nothing wrong with the separated woman getting some action on the side. What's wrong is the father deciding to cross a major line and kill the "other" guy. Don't blame Jason. Cause and effect. Without this crazy guy pulling the trigger, Jason would have nothing to write about. Pick your battles and choose your targets for blame carefully.

8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So if you were the family of the slain man or the mother of the children who witnessed that, you would find it funny? Seriously. Can you actually put yourself in that families shoes for a minute? Christmas is coming and one of their family isn't going to be there!

That the man who is deceased is nothing more than "a little something on the side?" Not someones son, brother, or father....I bet he was alot more than that to the people who loved him.

I have a great sense of humor AND I happen to work for 911 as well.

I get to hear people at the absolute worst moments of their lives. I hear the crying, the horror and the desperation. So I guess I just don't get how "funny" a murder is.

Sit in my chair for 8 hrs and get back to me.

Sorry I don't find everything as funny in life as you all do. (and boy am I grateful for that)

You may try seeing if the sell any "compassion" or "empathy" in Target. It isn't something I see selling out anytime soon. There isn't enough of it in the world, if you ask me.

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for you I read the whole "SUNDAYS WITH JASON" just for you. It was OK.

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Dave, let me break it down for you. Making fun of someone elses misfortune isn't funny.

I am all about realism, I work at 911. I get to hear all the stuff you DON'T. I know bad things happen. I have heard things that I cannot "unhear". I wish I could. So please spare me your opinion on realism. I get daily doses of it with my job, thank you.

I am not discussing "cause and effect" here, but rather the degradation of human beings and poking fun at their lives when they are at their worst. That is my bone to pick with Jason...

Whatever do mean about picking my battles and choosing them carefully, anyways? I can voice my opinion on things just as easily as you can.

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think some people, not naming any names, just don’t get Jason’s style of writing. Is saying, getting a little on the side, humor or just his way of saying how stupid this guy was for gunning down an innocent man.

I think some people may have missed the last part where Jason wrote,
Another prime example where he should’ve put the gun to his own head first. There’s no reason for this, and now he’ll be in prison taking an extended vacation on our dimes. I really hope his children can cope with this and learn that this is not the way to deal with their problems. My thoughts and prayers go out all the families involved.

Taking a single line from an entire article can make anyone seem like a jerk. You must read not only the entire article but go back and read the others as well to understand their style of writing to understand that they may use humor or over the top lines to bring their point home.

Michael Petruzzi NR

12:06 PM  
Blogger Dave said...


I know you work at 911. I also work in the Saftey Services. I have heard the screams and the crying. No doubt, it's not a laughing matter at the time. Jason chooses to pick these things apart and put a humor spin on them. I think it sheds a better light on the actual event. In my opinion, Jason has emotions and morals. He uses satire. The same satire that has made Jay Leno, Dave Letterman, and others VERY popular. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's ok. Really! When I said pick your battles, I was referring to which arguments you decide to make. This is not something to argue about.

Oh, and FYI, according to the obit in the Chronicle, the guy who got shot was married with children of his own. So I guess they were both getting some on the side. It changes nothing. Someone is dead, someone is going to jail, and families are changed forever. It's sad. I like to think Jason can bring a little light in this dark world.

2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, I appreciate you putting your name out there and for the fact that we share the same line of work and the stress that comes with it.

I guess my thought here is, why if someone doesn't like something or feels it's a bit over the top, why is there a group of people that feel inspired to tell ME to lighten up, get over it, don't read it, etc.

For the record, I do avoid that column as I don't see the humor in it at all. Others feel like I should go "buy a sense of humor." I assure you, I have one. I don't know why I chose to look at it, but I did, and I felt just as justified to put in my two cents as others always do here as well. Except, since I don't agree, I get scolded.

Furthermore, there are so many assumptions and judgements on the people in question. Do you know for a fact they were sleeping together? That he was sneaking around on his wife as well?

Ron Goldman got killed returning a pair of sunglasses to Nichol Brown...he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am not saying that things were 100% innocent either, in the Lorain situation, but since I don't know the facts on their marriages and family lives, I have no right to surmise anything.

I have asked and no one has answered me yet. If that was your family or loved one, would you find the humor in it then?

Dave, as you know, NO ONE wakes up in the morning and thinks that they or their loved ones are going to end up dead or on front page news. Life and Death happens, and it's not always the "other guy". Someday, it could be one of us. Would it be so funny then?

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the others, I found nothing wrong with what Jason said this week. It sounds like maybe you have some issues with this topic making you take every word so seriously.

The one thing that I wanted to point out though is I don’t feel you have a right to be upset or question when other people on here differ with your comments. You said:

I honestly can't believe some of the comments that come out of your mouth sometimes and really hope the family and the children do not see your "entertaining" commentary on their tragedy. If I were the family and saw you poking fun at my mother, her "action on the side and the comments regarding their father I would be highly upset."

So weren’t you scolding Jason? Weren’t you taking him to task for something he wrote in his column? I know by writing a comment here that anyone who disagrees with me could write back and tell me and that is fine. I am a grown up and know that names cannot hurt me and that people who feel differently then I do aren’t bad people.

I live out of state now and enjoy reading tmcnews to see what is going on and reading what Jason has to say about the stories is just an added bonus. I actually find myself going to the computer on Sunday mornings with my coffee and as much as I hate to admit it my cigarette and look for what he has to say. I will tell you that there are some topics that I don’t agree with Jason, but that is ok. I still find him to be humorous and I also see the compassionate side of him as well. I agree with Dave when he said that he believes Jason has emotions and morals. So when I read his take on the horrible crime that man committed I saw it for what it was, I didn’t think for one minute that he was making fun of the woman or the tragedy.

Keep up the great work Jason, we love you in Texas.

Amy from Texas

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Amy from Texas....

You said.."The one thing that I wanted to point out though is I don’t feel you have a right to be upset or question when other people on here differ with your comments. "

I don't? (but *they* however have a right to differ with mine?) I specifically at the start of this post directed my comments to Jason, as NO ONE had posted anything yet. Then everyone tells me that *my* opinions are incorrect, that Jason is entertaining, and now I don't even have a right to my opinions.

I *AM* entitled to my opinion dear.

I don't care if NOT ONE person agrees with the way I think. I am not out to sway anyone. I don't think I possibly could.

But NO ONE has had the cojones yet, to say if that was one of their family members was involved in such a situation if they would find the story amusing then.

The silence on my question speaks louder, anyways. I already know the answer. No one could say it. No one would say, "yes, if that happened to my sister and her kids I could laugh about it"

I wasn't directing my original comment to anyone other than Jason.

And dear, if you read all my comments, as I have signed them all, I DO invite you to sit in my chair for 8 hrs and listen to some of the stuff I have heard. Perhaps then you would understand my "issues" with comedy at the expense of others and the survivors.

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I wonder why no one has answered Donna's question. If it was your family would you want them made fun of while your trying to grieve the loss of a loved one? I know I wouldn't. No one is perfect in the world. But, when a child is involved and seen what has happened. This is a little to far. Jason you yourself have a child. If your wife and child see you get shot would you want us to make fun of you? Because, I would write I'm glad the jerk is dead. He made fun of a lot of people. Now when he goes to Heaven they can make fun of him on his way to Hell. There are somethings I can handle being made fun of. But a child seen a horrible crime. There is nothing funny about that.

9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought my comments would have made it clear but for those of you who need it spelled out, IF I were in that woman’s shoes or if I were related to the man who was killed, I would not be upset over what Jason had said.

If I were the woman involved I would appreciate his concern for the children and how they will cope with the tragedy and also for his offer of prayers for all families involved.

I went back and read the column over again because I am still baffled by the fact that a person can be so upset by this. Here is the line that seems to have pissed people (person) off.

And forgive me for not understanding this. Why: if you’re wife and you are “separated” and she decides to get a little action on the side; why are you mad at her lover?

I think all that is saying is how insane the man was for doing what he did. Plus, I don’t see that he wrote anything that is incorrect. The couple was seperated, not divorced.

In any case I still stand behind Jason on this one, but then what do I know, I don’t sit in a chair for eight hours listening to the horrors of society.

Amy from Texas

10:22 PM  
Blogger silverdud said...

people have to realize one thing. comedy is only funny when it is directed at people other than yourself. im sure everyone can look back to some point in their life when they have told or laughed at a joke. every joke has a punchline, whether it be about a black or white person, a jewish or catholic person, an person from another country like canadians(my favorite by the way) so on and so on. every punchline is obviously going to hurt the feelings of the particular person the joke is being told about. the problem is everyone these days is so overly sensitve to everyones feelings. i have a theory about this called the "Sissification of America."
when i have more time some day im going to write a book about it. :)

9:20 AM  
Blogger Dave said...


If I died, I would hope people would get some sort of good joke in about me. I laugh at others ill fortune when it doesn't seem right to do sometimes. It's part of how I deal with what I see and do. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? If something happend to my wife, as sick as this sounds, I would probably search REALLY HARD to find some humor in it. I think you know what I'm talking about. Alot of people that I work with, that see what I see (and more sometimes) deal with things in a similar fashion. It's not really making fun of someone, it's just finding any humor in the situation in order to minimalize the impact. Is anyone going to make the impact less for the kids involved? No. Their parents made some poor choices and now the kids have to live with it. No choice was worse than killing another person.

It is all about cause and effect. AS a society, we react to what happens. Most people lack foresight. Humor and foresight don't usually mix. So we wait for things to happen, then react. Jason puts the satire on these events. From something as benign as Amherst street festivals, to something as serious as racial attacks and murder. Jason seems to write on a level playing field. Anyhting is fair game for his satire. I for one appreciate it.

I can agree to disagree with your opinions on this. I don't want you to feel as though I am trying to stifle your response. You have expressed yourself and your reasons. I feel as though I have now done the same. Stay safe.

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Amy there is no need to "spell it out" for "those who don't understand," as I am the only one who is argueing against *all* of you.

My arguement was for Jason, not for Jason's posse to explain to me.

You are a big person to be able to say you would like your life and tragedy to be the topic of a humor column,(if you were labeled the woman who was "getting some on the side",) before your friend is even buried, and accept his apology and prayers in the other hand. My hat's off to you girlfriend. I could not.

Everyone is judging and assuming alot. At the cost of someone who cannot defend themselves.(Yeah, I know....they could come here at any time)....but this would be the last place I would want to be having gone thru that....perhaps (blessedly) they don't know this site exists.

Divorce happens for alot of other reasons other than sex...(or "getting some on the side"). And since I haven't seen any details (or really care as it doesn't change the outcome) of all the relationships involved, I don't feel anyone has a right to assume anything in the relationship.

Maybe his column is a little to raw for me, given my profession. I know others who don't read it as well and don't find it entertaining. Everyone has their favorite comedians, I guess. I can't stand Gallagher but I love Dane Cook.

To each their own, I suppose. But just as you can be baffled as to why it upsets me, darlin, understand I am JUST as baffled as to why some of you find it funny. (Even though you mentioned in your first post on here that I had to right to feel the way I did. But everyone else can say what they want?)

Agree to disagree, I suppose.

"If everyone is thinking the same, then someone isn't thinking." George Patton.

10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Dave for your last post. And I do "get" what you are talking about as far as seeing humor in situations. I just feel sometimes it crosses the line. I would be lying to say that I never laughed at something that maybe wasn't so funny to someone else, but *I* felt that the way it was presented would be hurtful to the family. Maybe *THEY* won't have a sense of humor about it.

That is all I was trying to say.

I don't feel that caring about someone elses feelings makes anyone a sissy. (in reference to silverdud) It isn't *my* feelings that got hurt, I was merely stating they could be hurtful to someone else.

When I lose that, it is time to hang up my hat and do something else, I suppose.

You stay safe, too, Dave. ;)

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went back and read all of Jasons columns and I do not believe that what he wrote there was meant to make fun of anyone. What I got from the column was that it was a horrible situation for the kids and that he hopes they are able to somehow deal with what they went through. For anyone to read that line and suggest that he is making fun of the situation or domestic violence is just ridiculous.

Also, I am in the emergency field myself and I have seen some pretty horrible things over my career. I am not going to ask for pity or suggest just because I have seen bad things that nobody else can have an opinion or that mine means more then others here. I find it insulting that someone who, by their own words, “sits in a chair” and “hears” the horrors of peoples worst moments puts themselves on a pedestal and wants us all to feel sorry for them or think that they are some super human person. It is your job, if it affects you this much then you should look for other work.

These are my opinions and I thank all of the men and women in the armed forces past and current for fighting and dying for this freedom. While people bicker and whine about such trivial things, and I do not mean the homicide but the single line in a Sunday column, men and women are fighting for us all over the world.

Jim from Elyria

PS: I knew the answer was Cody Risen, can I get a sub from Master Pizza?

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sounds to me that you need to seriously need a change of career. I think that "8 hours in that chair" is starting to get to you.

I've learned with tragedy that you either laugh or you cry. I'd prefer to laugh. Jason means no ill will toward the victims. I read him every Sunday and find him to be a great writer with wit and compassion. You obviously seem way burned out in your job missy.

1:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like everyone missed the fact that (per story in newspaper) the guy who was shot was NOT legally seperated from his wife. So now let's see, he wants to cheat on his wife and gets shot in the process. What a family man. Not to belittle the loss, but this whole thing would not have happened if he had been home where he belongs instead of out for "a little action." He would be alive, the shooter's children and seperated spouse would not have had to witness such a scene and the victim's family would not have to live with the thought that their ex-father was shot while cheating on their mother. Sort of puts a different spin on the story when all the facts are known.

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Jim,
A dispatchers job is just as important as yours and sometimes even more. Try sitting for 8 hrs or more a day taking call after call dealing with death and injuries. I'm just guessing but I bet you respond on emergency calls so you deal with a fraction of the calls Donna does. Theses last few comments have gotten off track and needs to get back on the real subject. I for one would not want my family members death made into a joke weather that was Jasons intention or not. I was not a fan of Jasons in the beginning but have grown to enjoy most of his comments. Like anything else, they have to be taken with a grain of salt.

Pete "the meat" Avon

9:50 AM  

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