Police were called to 430 Oakdale Circle at 9:45 p.m. Sunday night by a woman who said her live-in boyfriend pulled a gun on her and was refusing to let her leave. When Police arrived they surrounded the home and could see and hear the couple verbally arguing through a rear window.
Officers were able to get the female to let them in through the front door and they were able to quickly get Sears outside of the home and placed him in handcuffs.
The woman told Police that they had been arguing Sunday night and Sears went to the bedroom and pulled out a silver handgun and pointed it at her telling her that she was not going anywhere. The woman dialed the Police Department but was then disconnected. The woman said she remained inside of the home due to fear that Sears would kill her.
Once Police heard the story from the woman they arrested Sears for Domestic Violence (M1) and Abduction (F3). Sears told Police that he was mad and that he had his gun but he put it in his pocket then returned it to the bedroom closet. Police say that Sears was highly intoxicated and had difficulty in speaking and standing.
Police retrieved numerous weapons from the home including a Taurus 9mm revolver from the closet that the woman identified as the weapon he had pointed at her.
The woman told Police that this was the first time Sears had ever acted like this towards her and that she was scared he was going to kill her when he pointed the gun at her.
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