The college kids from Tri C took over Ely Square downtown today to shoot portions of their school film project. TMC NEWS headed down to the square to get the scoop for our loyal readers on the production; however our camera was not met with open arms.

I will say that during the first and second incident another production assistant named Chris came over and apologized both times, even offering to fire the first guy who blew smoke in my camera. Not necessary. Chris was very level headed and very professional with me and offered to speak to the group at the end of the day so the same problems don’t occur over the next three days of production.

To see more photos: CLICK HERE
See that TMC Chief Photographer always gets his picture(s), traffic preview of next weekend with the Apple Festival.......Good Job TMC Keep Up Work
Wow. Keep those tools out of the Gold Card club!! Membership DENIED!
I was stuck in that traffic yesterday afternoon trying to get from over by the high school back to our home. It was a mess. As for your paparatzi time give us a call. I would love to get a few shots of you in a throw down!
What a bunch of idiots... I can't even imagine why they need all that space to do their class project anyway!
How do you fire a guy that's working for free?
how do you make up for all the lost business downtown?
How Mr. Mayor do you let this thing get approved???????
u just wanted close up pictures of his lips!
Terry Your always butting your head into places you shouldn't. Instead of blowing smoke in your face I would've punched you in your Schnoz! GO BUCKEYES! But seriously you know film students get, They think there superstars, This movie is probably about how bad his love life is.
Oh Man, If I would have know that when I was down there the other day I would have brought my big ol' video camera with me, the kind that people see and ask me if I'm from Channel 8 ( why is it always Ch. 8? I don't know)
blow smoke in my face and he'd have an Anton Bauer logo on his forehead...after he regained conciousness....
Gotta admit, they had quite a bit of 'stuff' for college students
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