Michael Johnston lives in the neighborhood and said it is a shame that someone would do this to Shupp. “He’s been such a good neighbor, to the kids and just to everyone. Kids will run in there and grab some candy or get a bottle of water from Shupp and he always tells them to stay out of trouble and looks out for them. Just a great neighbor to have and I think it is very sad that someone would do this.”
Shupp said this last break in garnered the thieves mostly candy and chips. “I would have been happy to give them something if they wanted, all they have to do is ask. In the 8 years or so I have been in the neighborhood I have never said no to anybody when asked a favor.” When asked if the recent break ins will change the way he does business or treats his neighbors Shupp replied, “Hell no, this neighborhood has treated me well all these years, I will continue to be a good neighbor to them as well.”
If anyone has any information on the break ins, please call the Elyria Police Department at 440-323-3302.
If I am not mistaking Richard Shupp is the same kind business man who made the memorial by the square in Elyria for the fallen Hero Army Sgt. Lane Tollett. Is this the way someone is repaid in return for their kindness? Because who ever broke into his shop knows who he is but they still took advantage of a good hearted sole.
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