Panter said that Mora then started walking away from the scene saying, “Fuck it, I’ll just report the vehicle stolen.”

Elyria Police arrested 27 year old Megan G. Mora after she drover her 2001 Buick off of Route 57 and ending up in a water filled ditch.
Mora had been traveling north on 57 from the Chestnut Ridge Road when she says another vehicle cut her off – Mora crossed from the left lane (fast lane) and went off the right side of the highway. Mora told Police that she then got out of the car and began walking away from the crash to get to a phone.
Mora’s 16 year old passenger, Andrea Panter, had a slightly different version of the crash for Police. “She (Mora) has thrown the beer bottle out of the car and then we kept driving and when we got by the dealership a car that was in front of us switched lanes and almost hit us, so she swerved to the other lane and lost control.” Panter said they then went off the road, striking a street sign and then went into the ditch. When the car came to rest Panter said that Mora told her to throw the beer bottles out of the car – “I told her that I don’t want to get into trouble, she told me that if I don’t that we would both be in trouble because I knew she was drinking.”

Alley went back to her car and called 9-1-1 again to inform them what was happening. Panter said that Mora then started walking away from the scene saying, “Fuck it, I’ll just report the vehicle stolen.”
When Officers arrived they found Mora and Panter walking across the median on 57, the Officer stopped to question the pair but before he was able to ask a question Mora said; “it wasn’t my fault, a guy cut me off.” She then told the Officer that she was leaving the scene to go find a phone.
While completing Mora’s traffic citations and singing a warrant for Endangering Children, due to the fact that Panter is 16 and Mora was arrested for OVI, the Officer discovered that Mora had three previous OVI convictions. He also discovered that Mora’s driver’s license was labeled with “Ignition Interlock Device Require” restriction sticker. The Officer did not locate the Interlock Device in Mora’s car.
Police released Panter to her mother who said she was supposed to be at a friend’s house and that she had never met Mora before.
Police charged Mora with OVI-Refusal (F4), Endangering Children (M1), Reasonable Control (M1), OL.CDL Restrictions (M1) and traffic citations for OVI Suspension (M1).
Call Time: 4:48 p.m. Sunday April 12, 2009
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