The woman was attempting to jump on Route 57 south from Griswold Road when she didn’t make the turn her car ran up on the island and crashed into the pole. The driver fled the scene before Police arrived.
As Police and Paramedics started pulling up on scene they received a call of a woman inside of the Red Carpet Inn lobby bleeding from the face. Paramedics and Firefighters responded there and treated the driver.
She was transported to Elyria Memorial hospital where she was later flown to MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland.
The Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating the crash.
The Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating the crash.
Was this on Griswold Rd. in Elyria Twp. or Griswold Rd. in the city. That looks like Engine 3 crew from 'A' shift with Capt.(Black Jack) Conjalko in charge. Stay safe everyone and don't sweat the small stuff.
The crash itself occurred in Elyria Township – the driver fled the scene and crossed the highway into the city of Elyria. EFD was on scene assisting with care to the victim.
TMC NEWS thanks for info. Photos are great and news coverage is very good. Super job. Thanks.
I am the victom's mother and I really don't know how you can call it Fleeing the Scene when she ran to get help, the employee at Red Carper Inn would not let her go back to the scene, do to her head trauma. She was in shock and ran for help, is that a crime.
To the drivers Mother,
The driver did flee the scene; she did not remain on the scene after the crash. By saying she “fled” the scene does not imply that she did anything illegal, it just states the truth.
The definition of “flee”: “To run away often from danger or evil: To hurry towards a place of security”
We did not have a chance to speak to the Trooper handling the crash so we did not report or insinuate any type charges. Hope that clears things up & we hope your daughter is recovering nicely. All our best. TMC NEWS
Did the telephone poll attack the car?
I think the 'victim' was the telephone and not your daughter.
And maybe the windshield, as I don't think she was wearing her seat belt.
Why aren't they wearing vests? I think all ems and fire personnel should wear vests, it doesn't matter if they are in their own community or call jumping in somebody elses city.
Further, if we really want to keep people safe make pedestrians wear a vest when they are walking. It's more dangereous to be a pedestrian than a fireman, cop, or tow truck driver.
4,749 pedestrians were killed and nearly 50,000 were seriously injured in the last year alone.
I'm not sure I would go with the orange, I hear about way too many accidental shootings with hunters, I say stick with good old fashioned lime.
kindest regards,
Hey mom. If you would have set your daughter out in front of a police station this never would have happened!!!
Hey Kenny!! Did you even look at the pictures? One person did have a vest on and if you paid attantion you would see that they were not in the road which means no traffis.
Pete "The Meat" Avon
Ok, my bad Pete. I imagine they never stepped in the road.
While helping the patient.
The more pressing point, what about the pedestrians????
By the way, I looked again, where's the vest????
Ohhhhh the slide show. Now I see it.
Sorry, I work a full time job, obviously not as a firefighter. I only had time to see the photo on the story.
Kenny "not the Meat"Elyria
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