Firefighters responded to the 200 block of Samuel after receiving calls of a van on fire in the driveway. Neighbors gathered to watch the van burn and then they were given a show when Firefighters started hitting the van with water. Once the water hit the magnesium in the steering column the sparks started flying.
There was a brief concern about the truck being just below power lines but Firefighters were able to extinguish the blaze before any harm was caused to the lines.
Captain Cawley of the Elyria Fire Department said that a wiring problem near the passenger compartment is believed to be the cause of the fire.
There were no injuries reported.
a santa hat?? How professional.
Yes thats our EFD. Showing the Xmas spirit eerrrr OT spirit. They must have come from Giant Eagle and didnt have time to change. And then called in 6 firefighters. Did you see the pic where 6 people standing around? And we are paying OT for that. Typical, even now the EFD takes full advantage of the situation. Come on now, a santa hat?????? Get PROFESSIONAL.
Flamefan out!
Anyone posting at 0531 hrs needs a life!!
Flamefan, you crack me up, maybe there is a spot for you on the comedy circuit, I may have heard you on rawdog.
Enough of the bashing on EFD,I also ask that in 2009 this crap stops and we all support each other.
Flame, good luck on the tour
Lloyd A. Kinney
Lets see... Cuz I know the drama starts will be back to this page looking, So here goes...I don't even know how in the hell you got OT out of looking at several pictures on here. This fire call was an ON SHIFT call, no extra bodies were called in. This fire was in my district, but my rig just so happen to be on a medical call, so downtown and Engine 4s crew covered it. The Dept. probably did 30 calls total yesterday, and my rig did 12 of those. And during the ICE EVENT we did call in extra personnel, and we even were calling mutual aid from surrounding depts. paid and volunteer...And the 3am house fire this morning that was our shifts third fire for the week, man that brought in even more guys to help out and cover the rest of the city...WHY? you know the reason why.
We did not ask for this. Our man power has been slashed starting back from the 1980's when a person would retire, they didn't get replaced right away with the ratio of guys that were needed and now were are behind the eight ball trying to keep our citizens of Elyria safe. And if this is the way we have to do it then it will be done. WE ALL GO HOME to our families. And we will continue keeping Elyria safe the best way we know how.
Ffr. J. Castle
EFD Eng Co. 3
Lorain Blvd @ Bell
P.S. and for the person trying to get a rise out of me on our East Av. fire.... HAHA Merry Christmas!!
First of all that fire was in District 3's jurisdiction:
1 min prior to the fire coming in, they were out at a medical emergency on West Ridge Rd.
So, how do you figure overtime Flamefan? Oh wait, I forget your the expert who thinks he knows it all, all of the time..Engine 4 had to cover because of what is your expertise in this?
And besides what about overtime for EFD? I bet you have a problem with overtime for the Street Dept becuz of the ice storm..
What's wrondg with a Santa hat? It's been done by other departments including Lorain. Spirit of the season. As long as they aren't in the danger zone what difference does it make? And by the way like I've mentioned before if you make a negative coment and can't put your name on with it you are just a coward so who cares what you have to say! Haas
Goog job EFD. Don't worry about the critics. The fire went out and no one was hurt, so why is everyone being a crybaby about a santa hat? Merry Christmas guys from one fireman to another
What's wrong with the santa hat? How about they are being paid to do a job?
How about Christmas is a secular event?
How about they whine and complain and steal more money from the city than Scrooge?
How about the P.D. start showing up on scenes with Santa hats, I bet that would go over well.
By the way FFr. Castle. Going on 15 calls a day isn't a crisis.
It's a slow day for LifeCare....
“What's wrong with the santa hat?”
Well there is nothing wrong with the “santa hat.” It appears that you do not like it. Maybe you would like a Kwanza hat?
“ How about they are being paid to do a job?”
A job that they did very well. Your problem here would be……
”How about Christmas is a secular event?”
Your point would be what?
‘How about they whine and complain and steal more money from the city than Scrooge?”
Would you care to back up this ridiculous garbage with some facts?
”How about the P.D. start showing up on scenes with Santa hats, I bet that would go over well.”
It would appear that the only person it bothers is you.
”By the way FFr. Castle. Going on 15 calls a day isn't a crisis.
It's a slow day for LifeCare...”
Yep whatever you say. Blah blah blah……
“What's wrong with the santa hat?”
Well there is nothing wrong with the “santa hat.” It appears that you do not like it. Maybe you would like a Kwanza hat?
“ How about they are being paid to do a job?”
A job that they did very well. Your problem here would be……
”How about Christmas is a secular event?”
Your point would be what?
‘How about they whine and complain and steal more money from the city than Scrooge?”
Would you care to back up this ridiculous garbage with some facts?
”How about the P.D. start showing up on scenes with Santa hats, I bet that would go over well.”
It would appear that the only person it bothers is you.
”By the way FFr. Castle. Going on 15 calls a day isn't a crisis.
It's a slow day for LifeCare...”
Yep whatever you say. Blah blah blah……
“What's wrong with the santa hat?”
Well there is nothing wrong with the “santa hat.” It appears that you do not like it. Maybe you would like a Kwanza hat?
“ How about they are being paid to do a job?”
A job that they did very well. Your problem here would be……
”How about Christmas is a secular event?”
Your point would be what?
‘How about they whine and complain and steal more money from the city than Scrooge?”
Would you care to back up this ridiculous garbage with some facts?
”How about the P.D. start showing up on scenes with Santa hats, I bet that would go over well.”
It would appear that the only person it bothers is you.
”By the way FFr. Castle. Going on 15 calls a day isn't a crisis.
It's a slow day for LifeCare...”
Yep whatever you say. Blah blah blah……
Well let me RETORT, If someone thinks I'm crying about the call volume for my engine co. Hell I use to run 22 calls per day out of my old firehouse in Columbus. 6500 calls a year. And that didn't count patient to home, or hospital to hospital taxi service. Because that wasn't our gig. Strickly pure 100% street medicine. Just remember!? I have more time driving the Rig backwards than you do forwards..LATORRRRR
Ffr. J. Castle
EFD Engine Co. 3
Lorain Blvd @ Bell
Firefighter Castle: The fact that you are still openly posting comments on this website shows your lack of professionalism and the lack of discipline in your department. You alone have demonstrated the poor performance issues that will bar EFD from every being a great department.
For the brass at EFD: Get control of your folks. My often are you going to let this one firefighter continue to tarnish the image of your department!!!!
Do you really believe the stuff you spew?
I think you might need to ventilate the "House of Pain" a little better, you sound like you might be taking in a little too much co2
Wow...that Firefighter in the Santa hat is HOT.He can try to put my fire out anytime.He sure has big guns.This fire was reported to be close to house so dispatch sent 2 engines and ladder plus asst.chief.Since first arriving engine could handle it looks like the members took 1 or 2 minutes to wish each other Happy Holidays before leaving scene.This year OT has been at a minimum due to restrictions by his honor the mayor.Flamefan whats the big deal.Did you get a lump of coal in your stocking.Stay safe ALL responders.
get a life castle.........
Castle, We all know EFD is the biggest dept between NewYork and Chicago............
Damn that Mayor trying to keep overtime in check...
He's just crazy like that I guess.....
Whatever happened to EFD firefighters Dave Hribal & Mark Horton? I never see them on calls anymore.Rumor mill around town has big changes for department in 09.
Im glad you think LifeCare is just a taxi service FF Castle. I'm glad to see that you can work for EFD now and dont have to use your "street medecine" skills any longer. Now all you have to worry about is the few fires you actually have a year, and being an emergency oxygen application technician on the select calls that EFD decides to run on.
It's out of control egos that create all the problems with Elyria Fire.
You never hear the kind of nasty small minded bickering from or about any other department.
There is a story about Lorain, Avon, Eaton, Carlisle< the only comment you ever see is the inside humor comments about the vests.
But when Elyria Fire gets a story it's the same old song and dance, Nilges the bully, Castle the expert super hero who only cares about the city and his crew.
In the words of Colonel Potter, "Horse Pucky" Ffr Castle, you sir are an incredibly bad spokesman for your department and an even worse representation of your profession. I can't even imagine what it must be like being caged up with you in front of a big screen tv and Lazy boy loungers for a full 24 hour shift. Do you ever stop and read the crap you write???
You are only proving the point that the maor has made about the department in the past.
Shutup for a while and let someone with a little less of a hero complex do the talking for a while.
WOW and you keeping coming back for more!
Only making the point that:
We didn't ask for the overtime, so if that rubs ya SORRY. I will stick up for my dept. and myself when you start to slam us. Hire the men and the overtime goes away. Then everyone won't cry that we are making more money than you.
"You never hear the kind of nasty small minded bickering from or about any other department."
This is not true. I know of one department that constantly bickered with fire when was open. LOL
You people need to get a life if all you have to complain about is someone wearing a Santa hat in the spirit of Christmas. With all these men have to see and put up with on a day-to-day basis, it's great that they can keep their spirits up.
Your right I am gonna shut up, everyone can t be the hero. Someone has to be on the sidelines as the parade comes by... GET CLAPPING
To all the anonymous posters, its easy to bash us, sure sometimes we bring it on ourselves, but most everyone who reads and posts on this site needs to remember one thing: We all have whats best for the people we serve in our minds and actions.
I challenge all firefighters who read and post on this site to STOP bashing each other in 2009.
This includes any EFD members...
As for the rediculous comments about the firefighter in the Santa hat, I say who cares, it was the 23rd of December we all need a little holiday spirit.
Give it a rest both sides!!!
Stay Safe
Joe Pronesti
I don't care if they wear a santa hat as long as it does not interfere with their cot retrieving duties.
I was robbed at gunpoint by a man wearing a santa hat. I must say it did bring a little bit of joy and cheer looking at that hat. I vote yes for santa hats!
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