Firefighters and State Troopers arrived they found the car, the broken utility pole, an empty can of beer next to the car, but they couldn’t find the driver. A search of the immediate area by Firefighters, some with Thermo-Imagers, turned up nothing.
The car suffered heavy damage with both driver & passenger side airbags deploying.
The Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating.
Just a question why did firefighters search the area? Is that not a cops job? I am not knocking the police or firemen so please dont bite my head off I am just curious.
Firefighters, who are also Paramedics or EMT’s, responded to render care to any possible victims. Troopers respond to investigate the crash. Also, there were about half dozen Firefighters there and maybe two Troopers.
Firefighters also have equipment to do searches in the dark. A quick search like that is just precautionary, in case someone was ejected from the vehicle. In this case, with the beer cans in and out of the car it was pretty obvious that the driver and possibly a passenger fled the scene fearing being cited.
Heather, the main reason the firefighter/EMT's searched the immediate area was incase some sort of ejection occured...All they wanted to do was to confirm that somewhere along the line the occupant and passangers (if there were any) were not thrown from the vehicle.
"A search of the immediate area by Firefighters, some with Thermo-Imagers, turned up nothing."
They have the thermo-imagers that they use in fires to locate victims and the police don't. Sometimes the victims of crashes wander off or are thrown from crashes and help is needed in locating the victims. This is where the thermo-imagers come in handy, but the firemen are the ones with the training to use them properly.
I figured they would search if they suspected an ejection. Again from the beer cans it was obvious there was not one. I understand a lot better now. Thanks for not biting my head off. I do however think that cops should have those thermo-imagers too and of course be properly trained in the use of them. Any ways thanks for the answers I appreciate it.
Assuming the car was not stolen and the rightful owner was drving it wont they be found by either license plate number, registration(if its in there) or VIN number? I dont understand why people flee.
.........u mean THERMAL imagers?
Police would have to identify the actual driver. As you are aware, sometimes vehicles are driven by people that are not the owner. The police would have to locate the owner, obviously from the look of the vehicle there would be some sort of indentifable injury. Then through the process of investagation the police would eventually discover the true driver. Everything is not always black and white sometimes there are shades of gray:)
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