After three years as the Chronicle’s Ace Reporter, Szucs will leave his $12.88 an hour gig to pursue a new career in the advertising world.
For the last three years Szucs has spent his days in the bitter cold and scorching heat to bring his readers breaking news stories from throughout Lorain County. He will now move indoors to air conditioning and all the comforts of a new office. The move will allow Szucs to spend more time with his wife and 6-week-old baby.
Szucs has been a good friend and Gold Card Member of TMC NEWS for years, I also understand he is up for a possible Platinum Card membership – we’ll see how that goes.
He will be missed out on the road but we wish him and his family all the best.
As the Irish would say, Slánté! (Google it)
Nice... He was such a good reporter. especially when you realize he is only 12 years-old
Isn't he related to Gad? Haas
He has a wife and a kid? Sure doesn't look like it to me. Does he live in lakewood?
Gad...who is Gad??
So long, Scuzz.
As a former Chronicle intern, and a friend of Szucs, I just want to say congrats. He was an awesome guy to work with and really did some good work for the Chronicle.
Gad Zooks (Szucs), play the game! Haas
I do not want this to come across as mean towards any of the other reporters at the c-t, but that newspaper just lost the best reporter that they currently have. I have been interviewed by Steve Szucs on several occassions and in each case I have found him to be very professional and most importantly accurate. There are several reporters that if I see them on a scene I will walk the other way and allow them to get their information from a written press release. This was never the case with Steve.
I am happy for him that he is moving on and doing so well, congratulations on the birth of your child and God Bless your family.
PS: If Steve gets a Platinum Card I want one too.
Wow! He only made $12.88 an hour? Does anyone find it ridiculous that he worked that hard to earn that little? Maybe the Chronicle should consider pay raises for its long-time employees.
I have news for you... The Journal pays even less to more qualified people. Atleast he had some good people to work with at the Chronicle. The Journal houses some of the worst management in business today. The managing editor has so little experience and she and her boss couldn't manage their way out of a wet paper bag. I pity the newsroom employees. Their only good news is that Dan Smith no longer has the position to yell at people and that JRC will hopefully soon close its doors and force those good people into hopefully better jobs.
Szucs is making such a great move. I wish him all the best.
at least you don't have to wear reflective vests at the Journal
I know the Journal pays less. I also know the management at the Chronicle is not much better than the Journal. Everyone has their cross . . . Still, I stand by my original statement. Szucs was at the Chronicle for more than three years and he ONLY made $12.88. The paper should be ashamed and so should the Journal.
Good Luck Steven... your contributions will be missed. Tell Wes Waitt, Seth Ford, Jerry Shumyla and the rest of Willow Hollow Court I said Hello!
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