Jerry Gross has lived on the corner of East Ave and Wooster for 18 years – this was the 3rd time that a car has gone off the road and ended up right outside his door. “I was sound asleep when the crashing noise woke us up and at first I thought I was dreaming. I went downstairs and looked out the side window and there was the car up against my house.”
The car was traveling north on East Ave at a high rate of speed before the driver lost control and went off the left side of the road. The car took out a street sign (the kind with a flashing yellow light telling people to slow down around the turn), a fire hydrant, a Pear tree and several shrubs before coming to rest against Gross’ house.
The crash also woke up Jeff Yeager who lives across the street. “When I heard the noise I just ran for the window to see what had happened and I saw the two guys standing near the car talking – then they both stumbled away, each in a different direction.”
The driver fled southbound on foot while his passenger headed north – both were found by Police a short time later. The driver of the car was returned to the scene for Yeager to make a positive identification. “It was him for sure and he looked drunk as hell.”
Neither of the two men sustained any injuries in the crash and were both taken to the Police Station.
2 scanners and this is the best you could get?
Good job TMC.
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