Bob Kent, whose son and two friends were killed by a drunk driver on Christmas day 2004, shared his story as a reminder that driving drunk affects everyone. The Franklin County DUI Task Force also participated in the event to show law enforcement’s support for the campaign.
This is the 22nd year for the holiday ribbon campaign, which encourages motorists to tie the MADD ribbon to their vehicles as a pledge to be safe on the roadways. The campaign also reminds drivers to buckle up, because a seatbelt is the best defense against a drunk driver.
“ ‘Tie One On For Safety’ is MADD's largest public awareness campaign to heighten awareness about the dangerous consequences of drinking and driving over the holidays,” said Doug Scoles, MADDMid-Valley executive director. “We’re pleased to be partnering with the Ohio Department of Public Safety and for The Motorists Insurance Group’s sponsorship. Together, their support and outreach will save lives in Ohio!”
According to ODPS crash statistics, 473 Ohioans were killed in alcohol-related crashes in 2007. Of those crashes, 37 of the fatalities occurred between Thanksgiving and New Years. Of those killed in car crashes in 2007, 482 were not wearing their seatbelts.
“I encourage everyone to do their part to be a visible reminder of the dangers of drunk driving by displaying a red ribbon and by making good decisions about driving safe and sober every day of the year,” said ODPS Director Henry Guzmán. “Together we can help reduce deaths and injuries so that no family has to experience this preventable tragedy.”
All of ODPS’ divisions are working to remind people to drive safe and sober. The Ohio Investigative Unit (OIU), Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO) and OSHP and local law enforcement are using stepped up enforcement and educational efforts to prevent injuries and deaths. OIU and OTSO have teamed up and Investigative Unit agents are using alcohol-related crash data to target liquor permit establishments in addition to working with DUI Task Forces to trace the source of alcohol if impaired drivers are stopped at sobriety checkpoints.
Local law enforcement around the state are planning more than 13,000 hours of enforcement this holiday season including 18 sobriety checkpoints and more than 3,000 hours of saturation patrols. These efforts are funded and coordinated by OTSO. OSHP will have a visible presence on the state’s highways and OIU will be enforcing liquor laws, including over-serving and underage consumption.
"We need each person’s help by actively influencing friends and family to make safe, responsible decisions that save lives," Colonel Richard H. Collins, OSHP superintendent, said. "Simple things like planning ahead to designate a driver if you choose to consume alcohol, and insisting that everyone in the vehicle is buckled up before you leave, can go a long way toward ensuring tragedies do not occur."
I'm wearing a reflective vest in support!
I'm wearing a reflective vest in support!
....which won't do you a damn bit of good when a passed out drunk runs you over!
the vests make you invincible!
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