Witnesses say they saw the silver Malibu traveling eastbound on Rt. 113 heading for the intersection of West Ridge Road. They say the car was weaving all over the road just before slamming into the back of a PT Cruiser – pushing the Cruiser into a small SUV.

Sheffield Township Fire Department and LifeCare Ambulance provided assistance in transporting victims to local hospitals.
The Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating the crash.
To see more photos from the scene: CLICK HERE
another reason why people that old shouldnt drive.
How old would that be? I don't see an age listed anywhere in the article. Just want to make sure that I am not beyond your parameters age-wise......
oopsie... looks like somebody on a squad weighed in....
Can't wait for people like James who make comments about the "old" and driving get "old". See who quick hypocrites like you give up your license based on your age. Just by looking at TMC News, the "young" are involved in way more accidents because of their stupidity. So rant on "old" basher; and let's see you surrender you license when you are "old". How ignorant.
Well anonymous #2 I'll tell you what. It's the old people that really don't know how to drive. I don't know how old you are but I'm 33yrs. old and I've been run off the road, pulled out in front of, and cut off all by elderly drivers. Their reactions are slower and they drive slower causing more risk to other drivers. If I ever get to the point that I'm more risk on the road then I'd be happy to relinquish my license no matter how inconvenient it is. As far as the recent rash of crashes caused by young people....well that's just plain stupidity and lack of experience. What's the excuse for you old folk?
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