Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Elyria – Motorists driving along North Abbe Road under the Ohio Turnpike bridge today grew concerned about falling cement from the bridge and called the Police.

Officers blocked a portion of the southbound curb lane while officials from the City of Elyria and the Ohio Turnpike inspected the structure. After about an hour Officials were satisfied that the bridge was structurally sound and reopened the lane to traffic.

Lauren Hakos, Manager of Public Affairs and Marketing for the Ohio Turnpike told TMC NEWS that after the inspection it was determined that the pillar has some cosmetic issues that need to be dealt with. “The pillar had some concrete failure, but no structural damage and it will be patched when the weather conditions improve.”

To see more photos from the scene: CLICK HERE


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go, Minnesota bridge collapse all over again, Ohio style... UGH.

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And it's another late breaking news flash from the city - Remember that it's a privilege to drive under that bridge and you just need to dodge any falling concrete! You citizens need to learn to "dodge responsibly" if you're going to be out on the roads.

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot a few more slogans that could go along with driving under the bridge....
"Don't drink and dodge"
"Partied too much? Use a designated dodger"
and there's also
"Think before you dodge"

Remember, when dodging, the car you save could be your own.

4:02 PM  

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