Witnesses say the Ford Focus was traveling southbound on Clifton Ave after crossing East 36th Street at a high rate of speed. The car went off the west side of the road and made its way through several yards before striking a tree, flipping over and landing on a front porch.

LifeCare Paramedics transported the man to Community Health Partners where they were met by a team from Metro LifeFlight. The man was then flown to MetroHealth Medical Center.

“Once we got close to PC Campana I asked him where the house was that we were going to and he said that plans have changed because they weren’t home. Then he said he had a couple other stops he wanted me to take him to, I said no that I couldn’t do that but then he pulled a knife and said that I should just do what he said.”
The victim said they drove to about 8 different locations throughout the city of Lorain. “In each stop just about the same thing happened. We would pull up and a young black male would walk to his side of the truck, they would shake hands then exchange something. Then we would be on our way to the next stop.”
The victim said that after more then an hour of driving around he had had enough and told the man, I can’t do this anymore, if you are going to stab me then stab me but I can’t keep doing this. It was then that the man told the victim to take him to one more location then he would let him go unharmed.
“So we get to the last location and as we pulled up there was a Ford Focus there waiting for us with an older black male sitting inside. As the guy was getting out of my truck I noticed that he was taking my wallet that was sitting in the center console. Now, I am just a simple man and I don’t have a lot of money so I did not want him leaving with my wallet and my money so I pulled on his jacket, that is when he turned and cut me.”
The suspect got into the focus with the victims money and fled. The victim fell in behind the Focus and followed them, all the while on the phone with the Lorain Police Department telling them what happened and where they were.
“At one point, I think near 28th I saw the Police pull up and I waived to them pointing out the Focus then they got in behind them. It was just another couple minutes before they crashed.”
The victim did not see the crash but arrived shortly after and saw the aftermath.
Check back later today for more details and to see all photos from the scene.
you reap what you sow. I guess kidnapping, armed robbery and fleeing the police has it's consequences. I lack the compasion to feel sorry for this scum. Let justice be served.
I am glad that the carjacking victim escaped without major injury.
I hope that this episode does not prevent him from offering a helping hand to others in need should he meet someone in need of help. Patsy
Another Crack / Heroin addict off the streets .If only the worthless scum would speed up the process maybe we could be rid of the losers sooner.
Glad the POS is dead. And the other one is in the hospital.. Sucks to see someone from our town go through that cause of the crack heads and stuff.. Wish they would clean this town up... there killing them self on a good basis latley too though
the man who died does have a family, and i think you should get your facts straight before you just assume what happended.so james, unless you were there you can keep your opinions to yourself.
Remain Anonymous you loser. No one has to be there to get the facts right. the fact of the natter is is that if they were not doing anything wrong this wouldent have turned bad for either of them. Any anyone who knew the 2 of them knew they were into drugs and what not
Who was the other man in the car? It also sounds like he was a victim also? because remember this man jumped into a parked vehicle that was parked on the side of the road, how did he know that the other guy had just carjacked someone tha was more than a mile away. So how can you say that the man that was sitting on the side of the road knew this crazy dude?
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