Assistant Chief Robert Dempsey of the Elyria Fire Department said they received the call at 8:49 P.M. of a house fire on 17th Street. “When the first crews arrived they found heavy fire in the house.” Chief Dempsey said that he and other Department Investigators would be meeting with Investigators from the State Fire Marshall’s Office early Wednesday morning to continue their investigation. “At this hour there are still small fires throughout the house and a lot of smoke, so we will begin at sunrise to try and determine what caused the fire.”

Teddy bears and other items have already started to appear near the house along with a flower arrangement that was found on a front porch post.
Disaster Chairman of the American Red Cross Art Mead said that the Red Cross have been in contact with the family and are prepared to assist them in anyway they can. “The gentleman lived in the house with his wife and right now she is being comforted by a large number of family members and friends at the hospital. Family will take her in tonight and we will meet with them in the morning to see what we can do for her in way of temporary housing and clothing. Whatever they need we will do our best to help them through this tragic time.”
To see more photos from the scene: CLICK HERE
Looks like EFD got their asses kicked on this one. Fine attempt though. Sorry about the victim but I'm glad no one else got hurt. (Skated through that one mayor, or did you?) Haas
My condolences to Mrs. Glass and her family on the tragic loss of Mr. Glass.
Good job EFD for keeping this fire from spreading to surrounding homes. Patsy
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