Sunday, October 07, 2007


“My thoughts all seem to stray, to places far away, I need a change of scenery…Another Pleasant Valley Sunday.” As the sound of this Monkees classic echoes through my brain, I am reminded of why I’m in Sandusky enjoying the breeze right now. For solace, comfort, peace and all those “million dollar feelings” that people wish they could stash in their mattress until they are needed. One last weekend of R&R before the weather breaks, and a chance for me and “me lady” to celebrate our anniversary.

Sadly, thus is the reason I am not at the Chicken BBQ Slamboree/thingamajig out in Eaton Twp. (Okay maybe not the only reason.) But I am sure it will be a success, partly because TMC gave them the kind of publicity you just can’t buy. But the chance to get away from the hustle and bustle and kick up your feet seems to be a luxury these days; unless you have no job and do it all day with tax-payer dollars in your pocket. (Ha-ha?) Moving on, I hope everyone enjoys this heat wave before they pack up their grills. Just remember to throw away your “Topps” burgers, so that you don’t give your family the gift of E coli.

So Hallows Eve is fast approaching. I’m ready to get last years candy and give it to little snot-faced punks that come up to my dark porch. But that’s another time, another place. Besides, I already know what I’ll be on Halloween: annoyed. I think Haas should do the report on that subject.

So the news was a little lacking this week, which happens. Personally, I was waiting to see a breaking story about a lady who taught her pet turkey (pet until thanksgiving?) how to jump through a hoop. All she does is shake feed at it. DON’T LAUGH, she was serious. Now, I wasn’t impressed at all but then I did my homework on this Meleagris gallopavo. Did you know that wild turkeys can fly 55 mph? Or that domesticated turkeys, (domesticated? I guess after thanksgiving dinner, they do the dishes) they can run 25 mph. Now that’s interesting. But jumping through a hoop? Snooze! It has wings; it could “jump” over the Chrysler Building if it felt motivated. This story could get interesting, after she shakes that can one too many times and that turkey turns on her. I can see it now: TMC Breaking News: “Turkey and the last straw.” Cops find woman hogtied, her pet turkey turning her on the backyard rotisserie. HAHAHAHAH! (Okay, I’m way out there, blame it on fresh air.)

So, I can’t say much about the Wellington teacher/union/superintendent dispute but, I did want a reason to use a graphic this week. So get some exercise, get up on your desk or table and do it: UNION, UNION. (Really, it must be the water out here)

Speaking of water, it’s nice to see a Lighthouse that actually stands perpendicular to the land, for a change. (Sorry Lorain)

Thank you for your positive feedback about last weeks post. I hope through it all you got the sense of how I feel. I don’t think a crime against innocence is a good thing, especially when it is done out of disdain for someone’s race. I also don’t think all crimes are done out of hate; some are out of ignorance, others are attempts to obtain some satisfaction at someone else’s expense, and obviously some are just evil. They are all wrong, but if I can keep myself in check, and if you can too, we are doing all we can. We all like to point fingers, just remember three point back at you. “Peoples is peoples.”

So, the Lorain Police Department caught those degenerates who ruined the lives of a local family. If being ugly was a crime these guys would’ve been locked up way before they had a chance to commit such a heinous act. Another day passes with a little more security in Lorain. Thank you to the Lorain Police, these guys don’t deserve to see the light of day! It makes me sick when I am forced to remember that people like this can carry out such an act. Lorain, feel the privilege of a police force that actively seeks to ensure your safety.

Well, it’s been a couple weeks since I had this opportunity so: My HIGHLIGHT OF THE LOWLIGHTS: A 24 year old Elyria moron, who can’t even crash a car correctly. If you’re gonna crash a car into someone’s house here’s a 3 point checklist: #1: Don’t do it on your own block #2: Don’t drive up the street and park at home #3: Don’t call your car in stolen after people watched you driving it. Basically, he broke all 3 rules. He’s lucky nobody was killed. The big question is; how do we keep suspended drivers from driving? I am not sure there is any real way to police this. But here’s my idea: We could embed a micro-chip in them (set to stun); whenever their foot was near a pedal it could send a disabling shockwave to the culprits “tender-regions.” Just an idea! If that ever happened, the RTA would be running double-decker buses.

Well, back to the sand for me! I see a whale that needs rolled back into the water, oh, sorry ma’am. (Yikes)

Have a GREAT Columbus Day, think of Nina and Santa Maria in the back of that Pinto (something like that!) Nothing personal Christopher, but you can’t even get me a day off work!



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