Tina Pizer, VFW Canteen Manager, said that the trouble started when the news crew arrived to try and catch members inside the Canteen smoking. “A disgruntled former member went to the Health Department and told them that we have been allowing our members to smoke in the Canteen and tonight the crew from 19 news tried to sneak in and catch us smoking.” Pizer said that the member that went to the health department was very abusive to the Bartenders in the Canteen, even making some cry. “We have nothing but respect for our Veterans, this is why we are here, but you can only take so much from a person so that is why he is no longer allowed in the club, his being kicked out had nothing to do with him going to the Health Department. Other members have done the same and they are still here.”
Pizer said that in order to get into the Canteen you have to be a member with a card to get past the locked door or be buzzed in by the bartender. There is a two way mirror at the door for when someone buzzes allowing the bartender to see who is there. “What they did tonight was they snuck in behind an older lady who was using her card to enter; they tried to push their way past her at the door. My bartender saw this and went to the door to tell them to leave. She is all of 5’ tall and about 100lbs and she was kicked by the crew during the scuffle.” Pizer said that the bartender was taken to Elyria Memorial Hospital to have the leg checked to make sure it is just a bruise and nothing more serious. “These people came rushing in here trying to get their story and didn’t care who they ran over. They never called to ask us what was going on or to discuss our side. They just showed up and tried to push their way into the Canteen.”

Pizer said that they would be going to the Prosecutors Office Wednesday to file charges.
19 News is the bottom of the Cleveland news barrel. They are basically a tabloid on TV. I hope the VFW pursues their complaint with the prosecutor and charges are filed. If the VFW is letting people smoke then do your story on the up and up not step on other people to get your ratings. TMC News, you should give them some pointers on how to report news with class. Keep up the good work!
I think its stupid how the VFW acted on all this and they are in the wrong ive heard from several people that there is smoking going on in there even after the complaint. A LAW IS A LAW.. the man was just doing whats right. I'm someone who cannot stand smoking so there lucky i wasent in there because i would have also turned them in.. He was somewhat stupid though for telling them it was him. bottom line is A LAW IS A LAW.
It would be easy to jump behind the Veteran and say Oh poor him, why would they do that to him just because he snitched. Well, I watched the report on 19 at 11 and it was funny when I logged on here I saw TMC News had a report on the confrontation. I don’t know how TMC seems to always be in the right place at the right time but I am glad they are. Unlike 19 News, TMC News was able to bring us the reason the man was booted from the club. Even with that it is still one side versus the other on what happened, it will be up to the Prosecutor’s Office now to sort it all out.
As I listened to the man being interviewed on 19 I kept asking myself, if he had been a loyal member for all these years and supposedly loved his post so much, why would he snitch on some smokers? I mean they weren’t selling crack in the club, it is smoking. While I was listening to him I kept saying that there was more to the story then just some smoking that bothered this man. It is sad to see of course when something like this happens to a club such as the VFW. I hope they can all work things out without the media being involved anymore.
As to the crew from the TV station, I know I wasn’t there but I will bet that reporter did what they say he did. It would not shock me in the least to hear that a reporter from a Cleveland TV station shoved a little old lady to get through a door. When the anchor at 19 News introduced the story about the VFW she said, “the VFW should be ashamed”, is this fair and balanced? She has already convicted the VFW without even hearing their side. The Cleveland TV stations have really hit an all time low in their reporting and should be ashamed. Sad thing is, they won’t be. The other day I was watching and Chan 5 opened their newscast with the BREAKING NEWS banner and the story was about the sewage back up at the stadium. News anymore is not what is news rather what will sell ads. It’s all about the almighty dollar.
I have no problem with investigating a "civil" complaint of smoking at the VFW. If they are wrong then it needs to be addressed. 19 news took their reporting tactics too far. This news isn't that important that somebody should get hurt over it. The smoking "law" is a civil law. If you are caught breaking it you will basically get "sued". People need to stop addressing this as if smokers are committing a felony. It is just another feel good law that is a waste of tax payers money will gum up the civil court system. But the LAW IS THE LAW, just use some common sense while enforcing it.
Michael, why didn't they show love for fellow members who are mostly elderly veterans by obeying the law and not endangering his and everyone elses life?
Pete, Avon
Give James the golden award for as it seems he has never ever broken the law.
On an important note I want to applaud Mr. Petruzzi on his comment it is well written and to the point.
19 action news is everywhere alright even trying to catch war veterans breaking the law so to speak, now that is the type of news I long for…. ya right!
Yes! TMC news is everywhere and gets the story morning noon and night and they get it right how do they do that?
Ken, I never said ive never broken the law. Im saying that if I was speeding and the cop pulled me over id take the ticket cause i was in the wrong. If they are smoking in there and there not to be than someone needs to either be warned or ticketed.
And still as my bottom line is if he was that much into the VFW why not keep the problem inside and take care of it.. Now he just wants to be a member again but its not like anyone will ever talk to him again in there..
I think we can safely say the VFW post lies. They lied about the whistle blower. We all know he was kicked out because he reported they were breaking the law.
All these clubs have a problem and don't feel they need to obey the law. I feel bad for the veterens who don't smoke and have to be put in such a position just to be protected from second hand smoke. And how about the lengths people will go to be able to smoke. This is much more serious of an addiction than I ever thought. It's extremely pathetic. They will do criminal acts just to smoke.
I don't see 19 did anything wrong. The VFW lied about the whistle blower and they lied about the news station. Sounds like the same lie, everyone seems to be abusive to their employees. I guess they thought it worked the first time even though nobody actually believes them.
I think we all know the news WOULD have found smokers. I hope the whistle blowers sues and shuts them down.
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