The Game Of The Century! That is how this weekend’s game between #1 Ohio State and #2 Michigan is being billed. If you want to be in the stadium to see the game in person there are still tickets available on eBay. We found one seller trying to unload two seats in section 13a (the student section) for a mere $7,000.00. The seller is graciously offering to pick up the tab for Fed-Ex. The cheapest tickets we found are selling for just under $800.00, also with free shipping. If you are not heading to the Shoe to see the game you will be able to watch the match up on WEWS NewsChannel 5.
In the meantime we would like to find out who you think will win this weekend and by what score.
Hook Em… I mean Go Bucks!
Ohio State 24 Michigan 20
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Yes I am from Texas and I am picking Ohio State to win 35-21
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OHIO STATE 42 - the other guys 14
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