By bus, car, van, RV or truck, thousands of people traveled to Butternut Ridge Road in Eaton Township late last night at the chance of seeing the Blessed Mother.
“The Blessed Mother’s Next Promised Appearance September -14-15, 2006. Blessed Mother has promised to appear once again to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle just after midnight at the Field of the United Hearts on the crest of the feast of the Triumph of the Cross and the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.” From the Holy Love website
Well, they came in chartered buses early to get a good seat in the field to see if the Blessed Mother would really appear at midnight. TMC NEWS interviewed several people as they were leaving and although all said they did not actually see anything they believed they felt the “presence”. “I traveled a long way to be here tonight and I felt her here with us, it was well worth the trip”. This lady would not give her name; she would only identify herself as one of the pilgrims.
We tried to speak with an official of Holy Love but were told that nobody would be available for comment.
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