Police responded to 1307 Middle Ave Wednesday morning after being told that the home was shot at and a bullet hole found in the baby’s bedroom door. While conducting their investigation they discovered that 1309 Middle Ave also was hit by numerous bullets that Police believe were fired from behind a shrub near 1315 Middle Ave – just south of 1309 Middle.
While investigating Police received a call in the 300 block of 17th Street reporting a group of subjects dressed all in black running through the backyards north toward 16th Street. As Officers arrived in the area one Officer spotted four subjects mid block on 17th Street – the Officer exited his car and ordered all subjects to, “Stop, Police.” All four subjects ignored the Officers order and continued running.
Officer Kerstetter observed a subject, later identified as Christopher Howse, running south from 17th Street toward Middle Ave. Kerstetter located Howse in the area of the Neighborhood Center and placed him in custody.
Officer Darmstadt located another subject behind a residence in the 300 block of 16th Street, later identified as Clyde Anderson. Anderson was later released.
Officer Walker and his K9 partner Stuka entered the back yards in the 300 blocks of 16th and 17th Street. Stuka was given the command to begin the track. Stuka navigated through the cut tree limbs and tall brush piles and continued west. Stuka encountered a chain link fence where he began jumping, placing his paws on the top of the fence. Walker spotted an opening in the fence that lead to an open lot that had waist high grass.

Walker entered the area, while maintaining control of Stuka and observed a subject later identified as 17-year-old Charles Howard, hiding on the ground behind the large tree. Howard was ordered to “Get on your stomach and put both hands behind your back.” Howard began yelling, “I was getting chased. Don’t let the dog get me.” Howard was ordered to remain still until other Officers arrived. Walker then gave Stuka the “watch” command where Stuka held on Howard. Each time Howard would move, Stuka would bark and lunge toward him. Walker maintained lease control on Stuka until other Officers arrived and took Howard into custody.
Both Howse and Howard were taken to the Elyria Police Department. Howse had a bond of $750.00 set. Howard was released to his mother, Lisa Torres. Torres was issued a MM citation for curfew violation.
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