Joe Smith of Elyria said that he has his eye on a new computer. “I have a couple things that I would like to walk away with but primarily it’s the computer so camping out here is no big deal.” Smith arrived at 8PM to the Elyria Midway Mall and joined others who had already set up their campsites at the Best Buy store. “I was a little worried about the others ahead of me but I have been canvassing the line and I think I am in pretty good shape.”

Like many of the others campers, Prather is in line for a computer and some accessories. A friend of his, Art Thomas Mead, stopped by for moral support throughout the day and night but said he had his reasons for not joining his friend for the long haul. “It’s just not worth freezing your balls off, no computer is worth that.”
Smith said that with the recent slump in the economy he feels that by standing in line to spend his hard earned money, he feels he is doing his part to help out. Many retailers are hoping many others will be doing the same as Smith this holiday season. Some experts believe that if shoppers don’t drop some serious cash over the next moth several big name retail stores will be closing their doors in 2009.
So get out there and shop till you drop.
Talk about pathetic..Tis the season
Yeah, but no matter how cheap things are, you can't shop if you don't have any money! lol
What ever they are going early for will probably be there in a week or so. I'd wait. Haas
I'd rather pay more and shop in peace, at my leisure than to have to fight my way through the throng of "bargain hunters" who will knock you down and keep on going just to save a few dollars!
The hospital bill you get will cost you more than you save.
Good luck to those who braved the wait and the line.
Am I the only one who thinks these people should be wearing vests?
and nice to see patsy is well :O)
"Am I the only one who thinks these people should be wearing vests?"
Maybe Straight Jackets instead.
Its called the internet, you can find just as many deals on there and you can do it in the nude (unlike best buy)
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