Shortly after the final fight in Friday night’s Cage Fights at Quaker Steak in Sheffield a group of people who were not pleased with the outcome of a title fight began a fight of their own in the audience area. Off-Duty Sheffield Village Officers who were working the event quickly called for help from surrounding communities to help restore order.
Officers from Elyria, Avon, Sheriff’s Office and the State Patrol arrived in a short amount of time and fanned out to assist in clearing out the crowd. Perhaps fortunate for the Officers a lot of the crowd had already left because of the rain.
Sheffield Village Police say that when it was all done, four people were arrested for Disorderly Conduct. One Officer received minor injuries to his hand; Paramedics from Sheffield Village Fire Department patched him up and released him at the scene.
Many of the fans that were leaving the event expressed disgust towards those who started the brawl. “It’s horrible because we just had a great night of hanging out with our friends, eating wings and burgers and enjoying the cage fights. Now because a couple of idiots, people will look at this event and say see, I told you so. I hope they don’t because this is a great event for people who like this sport.” Aaron Reese of Cleveland.
Check back tomorrow for more photos from the fights, both the caged and the non-caged ones.
Nice job TMCnews!!! Its like you folks are right in the action as it is happing at times.
It's a shame that fights broke out in the crowd. most of the fans think it's disrespectful to fight in the crowd when there are fights going on. but also there is a stigma since it's MMA and most of the media and some people dont understand the premise of the sport. i wonder if the same attention would be paid to a fight in the crowd at a baseball game.
most fight fans consider it an insult to the fighters to fight in the crowd. however it does happen but i dont think it would have been the main focus of the article if it was written about baseball or football. it's a shame that most people dont understand the sport and therefore dont actually cover the event that took place.
Cheyenne, I'm sure if a fight broke out at any other sporting event and police from other communities had to be called in it would have made the news. It is a shame that some disrespectful asses had to ruin a good time for others. People like that ruin it for other events and give shows of all sorts whether sports, music, family attractions etc a bad name. Some people just need to grow up. Haas
Considering the caliber of the crowd that I believe would be present, I am not surprised by this outcome.
I attended last nights event at Quakere Steak and Lube in a diffenent capacity than most others. Having said that I would also like to say that it was a FANTASTIC and WELL behaved crowd for the 6 hours I was there. 7PM to 1AM. It is unfortunate that the only thing that people will talk about is the last 20 minutes of the night. 4 people ruined the night. I would like to thank the other 2,000 plus people for being on there best behavior and I THANK YOU FOR THAT.
I told you so. This establishment attracts too much of the criminal elements. It has been one big hassle and eyesore for the area.
I would be interested to see where the culprits live, if they live local to the Sheffield area or not.
Alcohol + fighting + low intelligence, what do you expect?
Anonymous said...
I told you so. This establishment attracts too much of the criminal elements. It has been one big hassle and eyesore for the area.
8:36 PM
To the idiot who posted this message, I hope you don't mean The Lube? If so then you obviously never go there. It is a fun place, expecially on bike night. Good crowds and well behaved.
Pete "The Meat" Avon
Agreed, QS&L has been a huge headache for SVPD. Seems like SVPD spends all their time on tursday nites watching the bikers. Nice to see tax money spent on one establishemnt
Sounds like someone has no idea how the city works... Tax money isnt spent on cops to watch over that place... THEY GET PAID BY QS&L!!!
Nothing to do with tax money at all...Before you start blabbering about tax dollars, maybe you should check your facts first... (thats exactly what started the fights at the QS&L)
but if the cops would have spent more time wathcing over the crowd instead of standing around watching the fights this probably wouldnt even have happened.
its a shame just a couple dumbasses will ruin it for everyone else
So, the police that were on duty in their respevtive cities, like Elyria, the sheriff, the OSP that all responded are going to get paid by QS&L?..SVPD drives up and down 254 in front of QS&L every Thursday nigh. Hard to find them patrolling anywhere else that night. Guess QS&L pay for them too.
After examining the accompanying picture, anyone can clearly see all sorts of trash strewn all about amongst trashy dressed clientèle.
For clientèle to toss trash about like that is very disrespectful to the "The Lube" as well as other clientèle. Therefore, people are not well behaved and the environment can not be all that enjoyable.
Those hooligan bikers! I go to almost every bike night, by the way it's Thursdays, not sure if they are doing Wednsdays too, but I have never seen any problems on those nights. Those of you who think there is a criminal problem just hide behind your computers and don't worry about it. Hey TMC you should reconcider not putting comments in that have no name. Don't let this site end up like Haas
You can find police patrolling in front of the Lube YES...But look at Sheffield Villages crime rate otherwise...haha. Uh oh!!! Better stop driving in front of the Lube and start giving out those littering tickets!!!
As far as trash strewn all over- I dont know if you have ever been to a place with 3,000 people....something is BOUND to get strewn all over. Even at corporate banquets with TONS of people ends up looking like that.
How about the little boy that was thrown down in the thick of things. Anyone care to mention that?? How about the lawsuit that the owner faces??? I wonder if the news will print that??
A poster brought up an interesting point. Lawsuits. A little boy in a bar where alcohol is served. Go parents. Great example.
And as far garbage strewn all about, even if it was a company banquet--garbage cans, my friends. Use them.
If The Lube can not supply them and keep them available for trash, then the establishment disrespects you. I would not give my business to anyplace that would do that to me.
And why did SVPD have to put The Lube in lockdown if everyone was well-behaved? According to an article in The Chronicle Telegram, "The police locked down the restaurant, and fans and fighters could be heard screaming for parents, spouses and friends." What a classy, well-behaved group of people. It was not like we had a tornado or an earthquake. It was fighting, plain and simple.
Anyway this will be interesting to see if anymore is reported and if SVPD release to the news the people that started the fights.
Back when The Lube opened up, I heard a rumor that they had an interest to eventually try to have wet t-shirt contests. Anyone know anything about this?
To all who are reading. I thank you for your interest and concern involving our event May 9th at Quaker Steak & Lube in Sheffield, Ohio.
We apologize deeply for the incident in which took place. BUT, amongst all the facts, there are a lot of myths. With the way the entire night was running so smoothly without a problem in sight, it seemed almost surreal that the night would end in such a way. Unforseen by all SCF staff and law enforcement.
The fight had started due to a man getting slapped and called a slanderish name involving his race. It was made to seem a lot bigger in the media than it really was. The security was on top of the incident, and the crowd was taken back under control in a matter of minutes. As far as SVPD, the did an EXCELLENT job to maintain control. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience that 4 individuals may have caused for the night. We have no knowledge of any boy getting thrown down amongst the crowd, nor anything to do with a lawsuit.
At the conclusion of the night, there were only 4 disorderly conduct tickets issued. That is WAY less than that of fights that you can see at any given Saturday at the local nightclubs. This was the first event of this magnitude in this area and there is obviously some mistakes that were present that will be improved on for our next event.
Anyone who was present at our event "Round 1", thank you very much for your support. We would be glad to assist you with any questions or concerns and give you some complimentary autographed shirts to express our appreciation. You can email us at:
for any questions or concerns.
Thanks You,
Superior Cage Fighting LLC.
SVPD and SVFD did a fantastic job! Get informed before you speak out. Tax payers DO NOT pay for the PD or FD. And to the person who posted SVPD only patrol by QS & no where else do you have super powers to see the village activity at To bad 4 idiots ruined a decent night. Most of those in attendence where not even from the Village. This events happenings should not reflect on the Village. Good job to the SVPD and SVFD and other PD aid.
Who paid for Avon, Elyria, Sheriff's Office, and State Patrol to respond? Thank God no real emergency occurred in their jurisdiction during The Lube brawl.
Most in attendance were not Sheffield Village residents? How is this known? Were ID's and place of residencies checked?
Thanks for coming into my town and stirring up trouble. Do you also do also do this at home in your own town?
Only 4 disorderly tickets given out. But lets be honest. We know many others who probably also deserved tickets got away before order was restored. And when the crowd was dispersed and left Quaker Steak, where did they go? Home like good little boys and girls? Unlikely. They probably went to other area bars and caused problems. Events like the cage fights & bike night bring out those who think they can do as they please (blaming what happens on others), continuing the true/false beliefs, and ruining it for those who behave like decent people. Unfortunatly if asked to have an event like these where I live I would say no.
Anonymous said...
Only 4 disorderly tickets given out. But lets be honest. We know many others who probably also deserved tickets got away before order was restored. And when the crowd was dispersed and left Quaker Steak, where did they go? Home like good little boys and girls? Unlikely. They probably went to other area bars and caused problems. Events like the cage fights & bike night bring out those who think they can do as they please (blaming what happens on others), continuing the true/false beliefs, and ruining it for those who behave like decent people. Unfortunatly if asked to have an event like these where I live I would say no.
Another stupid comment with no name posted. I bet you have never gone to one Bike Night in your life. I've been going for the past 4 years and have never seen as much as a push or a shove. Idiots like you posting lies should be removed from here. I'm all for TMC going to a message board where E-mails and verified names are the only ones permitted to post.
Another fact for you to think about before you bash bikers. Bikers raise over $10 million annually to charities, not bad for a group that you think causes so much trouble. I'm guessing that you are the same "anonymous" person who keeps posting with question mark after question mark. Instead of asking questions on here you should try getting facts before opening your cake-hole!!!
Pete "The Meat" Avon
I did not come here to call anyone names and will not start now in reference to Pete The Meat Avon.
In reply to your comment about verifying names on posts. Is Meat or Avon your last name? I am sure your parents gave great thought to giving you a middle name of The.
I did not bash anyone in my comment. I only stated that a handfull of people usually ruin an event for those who behave like decent people. And Mr. Meat knows this is correct. The handfull of people ruined the cage fight event, and a handfull of bikers keeps Sheffield on their toes with they way the leave Quaker Steak.
I also do not post question after question here, so this is an incorrect assumption on your part Mr. Meat.
Take care.
The best suggestion for TMC NEWS to do would be to just stop taking comments. It is probably a headache for him, and the comments just degrade in quality fast anyway. TMC NEWS is an excellant site just reporting the news. Thank you.
Here is a cool video I found on youtube, enjoy. It was taped as riders went home from the Valley View Quaker Steak. across town near Cleveland.
If Haas and Mr. Meat ride bikes, I hope they don't ride like the ones did in this video.
I sure hope riders here in Sheffield are not like this either.
Mr. Meat, sorry that you don't like "anonymous." You may call me John "The Hammer" in Sheffield.
Are you the spokesman for all "anonymous" posters? I showed where they do post ? after ? and they do it under most of TMC's articles. People on here know full well who I am and they know I don't hide my identity. Just funny how you guys can take one or two incidents and turn them against a whole group of people.
This comment section can be very usefull for getting information to the public but when people come on here and post lies without proof then it becomes a joke.
I suggest you guys visit The Lube on bike night some day and see for your self how wrong you are. And I suggest if you weren't there Friday night that you keep you opinions to your self. "anonymous" labeled 2 groups of people without having a clue.
Pete "The Meat" Avon
(See Sundays With Jason for the meaning)
Mr. Meat you still appear to be just as anonymous using a nickname as those who use no name at all. Stand behind what you write. Print your name. Otherwise do not attack someone for not posting their name. Take care.
Anonymous said...
Mr. Meat you still appear to be just as anonymous using a nickname as those who use no name at all. Stand behind what you write. Print your name. Otherwise do not attack someone for not posting their name. Take care.
Your comment has no credibility as you post it "anonymous"
Pete "The Meat" Avon
Your comment has no credibility as you post it "anonymous"
Pete "The Meat" Avon
This would mean you have no credibility then either. You are just as anonymous calling yourself the meat as someone who uses no name. You obviously do not practice what you preach, if you did you would post your name as you rant others should do. I will not reply again as this is getting just plain silly. Again take care.
What is wrong with you people? Do you really not have anything more important to do all day than bash people you do not know, and complain about establishments and organized activities that you have no knowledge of? There is so much rumor and inuendo in most of these comments that no one with a lick of intelligence would take them seriously. I was not at Cage Fight Night, so I cannot comment on that venue. However, I have patronized "The Lube" on Bike night; not as a biker, but as a regular, middle-aged female customer who was simply looking for a meal. Although I find the large numbers of bikes somewhat annoying, I have never felt unsafe, not have I ever witnessed any problems. Most bikers are just like you and me; simple folks who just want to have a good time, and who happen to enjoy riding motorcycles. As far as Fight Night goes, all it takes is for a few idiots to ruin a good thing.
Please people.....keep your rumors, inuendo, and out-and-out falsehoods out of the comment board. Also, if you have such a strong opinion about something, you should not hide behind your computer; have the conviction to identify yourself.
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