A massive fire in an empty storage warehouse at the old Elyria Fairgrounds on Third Street just west of West Ave is keeping Elyria Firefighters busy this afternoon.
The Fire broke out just after 4 p.m. in a building located in the 500 block of 3rd street in Elyria. The property, formerly Riverview Mobile Home Park and many years ago was the site of the Fairgrounds, is vacant and being prepared for development.

Strong winds, sometimes gusting up to 25mph, helped fan the flames. Witnesses say the structure collapsed in a matter of minutes.
TMC NEWS will have much more on this developing story, including more photos, later tonight.
To see more photos: CLICK HERE
There you go. Now we will here about the manning levels again and how the building could have been saved if they had enough firefighters. It will be interesting to see how this fire started. Interesting how its in no mans land.
Larry, what are you saying? Just because its been quiet doesnt mean the wheels will fall off.
Larry your nescience is showing. Any laymen could tell you it was beyond saving. But as a citizen yes I believe we need more Fireman and Policeman.
Who cares about the building, the property had set empty for how long? And as for your comment about the manning of the firefighters- let us see what you say when your place catches fire and you need help. Elyria takes its gifts of men who are firefighters and thumbs its nose at them. Thanks Mayor Grace.
Worried about the wheels falling off? How about the whole axle falling off. Remember that fun fiasco with Elyria Fire. Nice pictures that building couldn't have been saved unless there was a fire station next to it.
When you have a fire hydrant putting out 500GPM, all you can do is hook up the ladder and douse it. That's right, they put out that big fire with 1 truck (Ladder 7) with one hydrant that was delivering a deplorable 500GPM. The first hydrant they hit was flowing 250-300GPM according to the hydrant cards. So they moved to the West hydrant. Doesn't matter if you had 14 or 40 personnel, this fire was only gonna get 1 truck with either the master stream or maybe a couple of small handlines. If they would have needed more water, they could have gotten a water shuttle going. It wasn't needed. They did a good job on this one. I don't think we're gonna hear any grumblings about staffing right now, but I'm sure it will come up again.
Larry - your insinuations are uncalled for! Our firemen are out there doing their duty whether it is your home or an old, unused building. While other communities honor and respect their firefighters, Mayor Grace has turned our city against them. What a shame!
The qoute reads "Elyria takes its gifts of men who are firefighters and thumbs its nose at them." are you serious???????
You pretentious piece of twaddle. you are obviously a firefighter who believes your own press.
You are not a hero, you are not a gift, you are no more special than the guy who courageously mans the drive-thru window at Burger King.
Please get over yourself. You should be ashamed, and you need to be humbled.
From what I have read, it appears the building was going to be demolished anyway. Why should the fire department risk life and limb to save the building? Their job should have been only to contain the fire to keep it from spreading rather than risk injury trying to save it. At one point, Fox 8 reported it as a "controlled burn" although it appears that report was erroneous.
The fire department did an excellent job here and once again deserve the thanks of Elyria's citizens.
gimme a. break - what's with all the anger towards firefighters? While "Elyria takes its gifts of men who are firefighters and then thumbs its nose at them" may be a little too poetic, it sure doesn't warrant that kind of rant!
gimme-a-break was a wanna be until he realized he couldn't pass the test. his jealous rant speaks for itself.
Pete "the meat"
gimme a break...Gee..who pissed in your cherrios?? Did you not make the top 50 in thier exam and now you have to stay at Burger King? Wow, what do you have to say about other cities fire departments...what about policemen...hate them too? What about EMS, Doctors and Nurses? Maybe just some anger managment will help.
Tony Reamer
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