Lorain Firefighters were busy Tuesday afternoon battling a blaze on 10th Street behind Dye’s Appliances, between Broadway and Reid Ave.
Nellie Boise said that workers installing a rubber roof ignited the blaze accidentally with a torch. “I was on my front porch and all I have really been able to see is a lot of smoke, from what I understand most of the fire is in the roof and some inside the walls.” Boise said that the building has been used in part to store antiques and valuable collectibles.
Firefighters were able to contain the fire to the second floor and roof area. Although the fire never made its way down to the main floor, there was extensive smoke and water damage.
Boise said that while fire trucks were arriving cars parked along 10th Street, where it is clearly marked no parking, obstructed one of the trucks. “The fire truck was backing in from the side street and it struck the front part of the car and dragged it a couple feet. I don’t understand why these cars are all parked here in the first place because there are no parking signs all up and down the street.”
Sounds like "backdraft" time smash the car windows and put the hose through it lol... Yeah some people are stupid when it comes to a no parking sign. Now the firefighter prolly is going to get into trouble for hitting it even though it wasent supposed to be there stupid morons.
The front bumper on a fire engine is an amazing push device. I say "Go LFD!!" Push that car down the street. Amazing how many people can't read.
I hope the fire fighter doesn't get in troble. It was the moron's falt for parking there!!
I think the city of Lorain ought to send the idiot that parked their car in a no parking zone the bill for any damage done to the truck. Heck, send them a bill anyhow!
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