Officials at Eaton Township Fire said that a car turning onto Route 57 south from Chestnut Ridge crashed into another car on 57. Officials say that two people had to be transported to Elyria Memorial for the (minor) injuries they received in the crash.

The Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating the crash.
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This will keep on happening here. The intersection is way too dangerous. Too many people crossing rt57 and with the 55mph speeds on rt57 it's an accident waiting to happen. This was brought up before council many times by area residents and none thought there would be a problem. The engineers said there will not be traffic problems there.
Wait till x-mas.
I agree with Matt I drive that everday to work and some of the people on rt57 are going at least 60mph and what not its just big problems ahead ive was lucky yesterday i got through there just before it happend
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