Today TMC NEWS had the opportunity to sit down with the Commander of VFW Post 1079 to discuss charges from a fellow post member and the incident that occurred Tuesday night with WOIO 19 Action News.
Post Commander John Victor said that he wants to make one thing perfectly clear about his fellow Post member claiming that he was kicked out of the VFW. “I never kicked him out of the VFW, I cannot do that. We have had numerous problems with Dick in the Canteen with him being verbally abusive with the Bartenders. If he is not waited on right away or gets his drink as fast as he thinks he should have it then he starts yelling and it just became too much. The final straw was when he yelled at two bartenders because he wasn’t, in his mind, getting fast enough service then he yelled at our Canteen Manager. Our Canteen Committee met and voted that his Canteen privileges will be suspended for 30 days. He was never told that he was kicked out of the VFW. He still maintains all privileges that other members enjoy, he is just not allowed in the Canteen.” Commander Victor said that three days after the suspension he received a call from the Board of Health asking him questions about the man who had been suspended. Commander Victor said that until that phone call he had not known the man had filed the complaint. “I told the Board of Health that he was thrown out for cussing out the Bartender, I didn’t even know at that time that he had gone to the Board of Health.”
Commander Victor said that they have strict rules in the Canteen when it comes to language and fighting. “We have had to suspend privileges before when a couple members started arguing and they popped each other in the noses. The 30 days allows them time to cool off and for us to look into the matter.” The Commander said that when it comes to the language they warn people when it starts getting out of hand. “Obviously there are some cuss words that are ok but when you start using the F word, especially in anger towards people working here and our Canteen Manager, then that is just too much.”
Commander Victor told me that the Officer’s of the VFW Post 1079 met on Monday and reviewed the case concerning Brungard. “Dicks been warned many times, I warned him 5 times about his langauge, this time when he did all three we figured that was too much. We threw him out for 30 days at first then during the Board meeting on Monday we decided that with everything that has been going on we’re going to suspend him indefinitely. Once our Canteen Manager gets back from DC on Thursday she will type up the letter and send it certified mail to him letting him know.”
During our visit Commander Victor had the bartender, Jennifer Jones, come inside the office so we could speak to her and also to see the bruise on her leg. We asked her what went down last night.
Commander Victor, a Veteran of the Vietnam War, wanted people to know that the VFW Post 1079 is proud of their members and protective of their Post. He said he is proud of their involvement in the community having just donated over $80,000.00 to various charities last year. Commander Victor served in Vietnam as a Marine as a Squad Leader on patrols between Mount Russell and Neville, they were fire bases on the DMZ and were a mile and a half a part. Commander Victor is now serving his fourth term as the Commander of Post 1079.
I would like to add that I left a message with Dan Salamone, News Director for WOIO 19 Action News, asking to speak with him about Tuesday’s incident. Mr. Salamone did return my message and said he was willing to discuss it with me. However, I was unable to get back to him before the end of the day due to being out covering other stories. I will make contact with Mr. Salamone Thursday morning.
That's WOIO 19 Action News for you, instead of reporting the news (or the facts); they make or "make it up"…
19, supermarket tabloid news at it's finest!
TMC news comes through again. I bet the reason TMC got the interview is because they simply just ask for the Commanders side of the story without trying to force their way in the door. Even one part of channel 19 news last night they talked about TMC was there and got pictures.
If you watched the 19 action news cast last night another reporter tried to talk to the Post 1079 Commander of course the Commander in so may words told him to get lost so to speak, I don’t blame him just after the night before some other reporter and his crew from 19 action news tried to force their way in the night before…
TMC news kind of reminds me of days gone buy back in the 60’s if I remember right and maybe some of you do too, there was a man they called Coke who I am sure has past on by now. Coke it seems where every there was auto accident or fire he was always the first one there.
Ah yes, Channel 19, the "Inquiring Star" of Cleveland news. Remember the fabricated story about the trench rescue effort in Eaton Township last fall? I often wonder how the Channel 19 journalists that formally worked for reputable TV news stations (Denise Dufala and Jack Marshall come to mind) feel when they have to be part of such a tabloid-like organization.
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