As with other news outlets TMC NEWS has taken time to reflect back on the stories we covered in 2006 to choose our TOP STORY. Now remember, TMC NEWS began in July so our selection is from the last 6 months.

The top story, without a doubt, occurred on the morning of October 12th in Eaton Township along Route 57 just a little south of Capel Road. That morning around 9:30 9-1-1 received a frantic call from a road worker reporting that his friend was trapped in a hole. Eaton Township Fire Department responded and quickly realized that they would need assistance from specially trained rescuers. Elyria Fire Department Officials who are specially trained in trench rescues responded to the scene as well. Lorain County Emergency Management Director Tom Kelly responded to the scene to help coordinate the resources needed to rescue the 28 year old that was trapped in the trench. In a short amount of time emergency vehicles began arriving from all over the area, Strongsville, Independence, Parma, just to name a few.
As the minutes ticked by the rescue turned into a media event with photographers surrounding the scene and TV helicopters flying overhead. CNN had even picked up the rescue and ran portions of it live.
About 2 hours after the call for help went out; the rescuers removed Buddy Barton from the trench and placed him in an awaiting ambulance that was positioned near the hole. The medical team from Metro Life Flight worked on Barton in the back of the ambulance for a short period of time before he was loaded onto the helicopter and taken to MetroHealth Medical Center.
The drama that day certainly made for good TV and nice pictures for the media, but the reason this story tops all others is how agencies from throughout northeast Ohio came together to save one man.

As the minutes ticked by the rescue turned into a media event with photographers surrounding the scene and TV helicopters flying overhead. CNN had even picked up the rescue and ran portions of it live.
About 2 hours after the call for help went out; the rescuers removed Buddy Barton from the trench and placed him in an awaiting ambulance that was positioned near the hole. The medical team from Metro Life Flight worked on Barton in the back of the ambulance for a short period of time before he was loaded onto the helicopter and taken to MetroHealth Medical Center.
The drama that day certainly made for good TV and nice pictures for the media, but the reason this story tops all others is how agencies from throughout northeast Ohio came together to save one man.
To see all the photos from the rescue: CLICK HERE
thank you Terry for such a great story and pictures. My husband Jim was one of the Eaton township EMT/Firefighters in the ditch that day with Buddy.
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