Just when you thought you had heard it all. O.J. Simpson has struck a deal with ReganBooks and Fox Broadcasting for a book and interview deal reportedly worth 3.5 million dollars.
FOX plans to air two, one hour interviews with O.J. Simpson later this month entitled, “If I Did It”. The interview will run November 27th and 29th, the final week of the all important sweeps month. A book, with the same title, is scheduled for release on November 30th. Judith Regan, of ReganBooks, said that Simpson approached her about the project. She also told the associated press that she considers this “his confession”. In the book and interview Simpson discusses how he could have killed Ron and Nicole.
Simpson was acquitted in 1995 of murdering his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman. He was found liable for the deaths in a civil wrongful-death suit brought on by the Goldman family. Simpson has been living off his NFL pension in his Florida home, neither of which the courts can touch to pay off the judgment of 33.5 million dollars.
Fred Goldman, father of Ron Goldman, has publicly called for a boycott of any bookstore that carries Simpson’s book. “It’s morally reprehensible to me, to think that you are willing to give somebody airtime about how they would murder two people”.
FOX plans to air two, one hour interviews with O.J. Simpson later this month entitled, “If I Did It”. The interview will run November 27th and 29th, the final week of the all important sweeps month. A book, with the same title, is scheduled for release on November 30th. Judith Regan, of ReganBooks, said that Simpson approached her about the project. She also told the associated press that she considers this “his confession”. In the book and interview Simpson discusses how he could have killed Ron and Nicole.
Simpson was acquitted in 1995 of murdering his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman. He was found liable for the deaths in a civil wrongful-death suit brought on by the Goldman family. Simpson has been living off his NFL pension in his Florida home, neither of which the courts can touch to pay off the judgment of 33.5 million dollars.
Fred Goldman, father of Ron Goldman, has publicly called for a boycott of any bookstore that carries Simpson’s book. “It’s morally reprehensible to me, to think that you are willing to give somebody airtime about how they would murder two people”.
I heard ReganBooks is also in talks with the Duke lacrosse team for a book titled “IF we would have only turned that rape into a murder...”
I see this coming off like a "Mad TV" or SNL skit. And looking at it in that perspective, I may even watch it. Maybe.
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