Pooch, 36 of Huron, and 52 year old John Kemper of Brunswick, were charged in separate incidents in a Norwalk motel with a 3rd degree misdemeanor of soliciting.
The arrests were made following a 2 week investigation into a “brothel” that was being run out of Norwalk hotel and a 53 year old Norwalk man, Doug Lucas, who ran a website that catered to bondage and other fetishes. Lucas was charged with Promoting Prostitution, a 4th Degree Felony.
Sheriff’s Deputies rented two rooms at the hotel, setting up surveillance equipment in one room. Pooch and Kemper had both requested bondage and sadomasochistic activities separately through the website.
Authorities had the room prepared based on their requests. Authorities would wait until the men paid for the “prospected sexual encounter” and then entered the room and arrested them.
When Deputies entered the room they found straps tied to bed posts, dog cage, dog bowl and a dog collar. It was also reported that Pooch was barking before cops entered the room.
Pooch, along with being the head coach at Firelands, is a teacher at the Lorain County Joint Vocational School in Oberlin.
Pooch confessed to soliciting the woman for sex through the website.
Pooch and Kemper, who were among dozens of men who responded to the website ad, will appear in court on Monday.
Sadomasochism is defined as the combination of sadism and masochism, in particular the deriving of pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting or submitting to physical or emotional abuse.
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