Trooper Dave Dylag of the Ohio State Highway Patrol said that Anthony Lee was driving a red Cobalt south on Middle Ave at a high rate of speed when he came to the railroad crossing. “The owner of the car said that a person named Filer asked to use his car so he gave him the keys. Filer then, without the owner’s knowledge, at some point gave the keys to Lee. As they crossed the tracks the car went air born and that is when the car came back on the road Lee lost control and they went off the left side of the road and into this yard.”
The car took out some small trees and then crashed into a garage before coming to rest on its top buried in the woods. Neighbors watched as three occupants exited the vehicle and fled the scene.

Police Officers and Firefighters began searching the woods after the two men said that there was a third person in the car. Even with a K9 assisting in the search no additional victims were found.
Dylag said that although the investigation is ongoing Lee will likely be charged with OVI and Reckless Operation. Additional charges are also possible according to Dylag.
Margaret Davis owns the property where the car crashed and said she is tired of nothing being done to stop the crashes. “We need to put a stop sign back in place, we don't need a crossing gate – we get one train a day and the speed of the train is 5 miles an hour. The crossing gate could be better used at another location. A stop sign would slow the traffic down. I went to the township with this request and they said it was not possible. I can't believe that it is impossible. The last person to ramp the tracks killed 3 people. Something needs to be done, next time it could be a child or an innocent person walking in the area that is killed.”
Thank You for being thier so fast and if thier is any way that you or anyone you know can help put stop signs back up instead of the gates, they are all good but not on these tracks and the way kids drive. Two accidents in just over a year, all has three in the car and to tell you I dont know how much more my parents can take having thier property destroyed by careless drivers who are just out for a quick fun. Maybe THEY should have to clean up the mess left behind and help rebuild. I just feel so sorry for my dad he has owned that garage for so many years, it is not like it is something new that drivers are not aware of!
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