LaGrange Township – What was probably thought to be a good idea at the time turned out to be a very bad idea when one man loaded up three kids (ages 6 to 10) onto an ATV and went for a ride in the woods.
Chief James Rader of LaGrange Fire & Rescue said that a 45-year-old man was visiting his cousin on Wheeler Road Saturday afternoon when he decided to take an ATV out for a ride. “He told us that he had 3 children on the ATV with him, his son on the front and two nephew’s sitting on either side of him. He said that he was going about 20 MPH when he struck a tree causing the 4-wheeler to roll over”
The crash occurred so far back in the woods Firefighters had to load equipment onto 4-wheel drive trucks to get to the victims.
Chief Rader said that one of the boys had a bloody nose and all three had scratches and bruises – none had any serious injuries. “The parents checked the children and said they would take care of them – they might take them to the hospital later if they feel they need to go. But as of right now the only victim going to the hospital is the driver.”Paramedics transported the man to LaGrange Community Park where a helicopter was waiting for them. The man was then flown to MetroHealth Medical Center with complaints of chest pains and a possible dislocated shoulder.
Rader said that none of the four on the ATV were wearing helmets – something he highly recommends for anyone riding an ATV.
Editors Note: On behalf of everyone at TMC NEWS I would like to wish Chief James Rader a very Happy Birthday. Chief Rader was in the middle of his Birthday celebration when the call came in for the ATV crash.
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