Trooper AJ Torres of the Ohio State Highway Patrol said that the three men were north on Dunton Road at the time of the crash. “The driver of the 2006 BMW failed to negotiate a curve while traveling at a high rate of speed – they went off the right side of the road where they got air born over a culvert and then struck two trees.”
All three occupants were able to get out of the car on their own – one with a broken leg and cuts to his face. When the three saw the car smoking and start to burn the two carried their friend with the busted leg across the street.A woman driving by stopped and asked if they needed help – she said the men asked her to drive them to the hospital. The woman refused that request but called 9-1-1 immediately.

Sheffield Township Firefighters worked to extinguish the car fire and the fire that had spread into the woods while other Firefighters attended to the victim with the broken leg.
Torres said that although all three occupants are from the Lorain area, the car is owned by a person in Columbus. Troopers had the Officers in Columbus trying to make contact with the registered owner to find out why the three men had his car.The driver of the car, Tyrone Jackson, will be charged but Torres said that would come after he has a conversation with the Prosecutor.
Chief Joe Bandagski of the Sheffield Township Fire Department said a bulldozer was brought in by their Street Department to push the tree back off of the roadway.
Man how close where you to that car Terry? By the photo it looks like you were just a few feet away.
Ken Behner aka dirtdigger
the best i can tell from the pictures this is a 2006 bmw 750il. for those who arent familiar with cars, this car cost between 75 and 90 thousand dollars brand new depending on how it was equipped. in the used market they are still going for well over 50 thousand. these gentelman who were driving this car cant figure out how to properly use a belt (and yes they are wearing belts) but they seemed to have been smart enough to come up with the funds to have a car like this?? no wonder they were trying to ditch their friend and hide in the woods.
I highly doubt they owned the car, silverdud.
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