“The way we fight fires will have to change – the statement I made to one of the guys is that the most important thing we can ask of the citizens right now is to install smoke detectors and make sure they are working.” Union President Dean Marks

It is projected that the cuts will lower the minimum manpower from 14 to 11 guys per shift and potentially closes another Station. “With this new policy there are going to be massive amounts of layoffs, I’ve heard upward of 20 to 25 guys to make that number work. I don’t have concrete numbers, but when we were at the $600,000 cut from the budget it was 10 to 12 guys – now you’re talking an additional $300,000, that’s an astronomical amount. So essentially what you are going to do now is you won’t have a lot of guys left on a shift.”
As it stands now, the Elyria Fire Department has 75 on staff. That number includes one secretary and the current Fire Chief who is set to retire in March and 5 or 6 guys that Marks said is on extended sick leave and two are serving in the Military.
Marks said there will be many changes in the Department if these cuts become a reality he said the most noticeable change that people will see is the decrease in response times to certain areas of the city. “The way we fight fires will have to change – the statement I made to one of the guys is that the most important thing we can ask of the citizens right now is to install smoke detectors and make sure they are working. Here’s why I say that; essentially you are only sending 9 guys to a fire that can effectively work. Our tactics here at the Elyria Fire Department are going to have to change unbelievably. We can no longer aggressively fight fires like we’re accustomed to and try to save property.”

Another service that is set to be affected is the EMS first responding. “Each Firefighter is certified at least as an Emergency Medical Technician, there are also about a dozen guys who are certified as Paramedics. Every Rig has an Automatic Defibrillator; and we can intubate at this time in the City of Elyria – so we are First Responders to all life threatening emergencies in the City of Elyria. I am not certain but I have heard if the number hits 11 that the First Responding might cease. We may no longer run EMS in the city because of the cutbacks.”
Marks said that the idea of not running EMS in the city bothers him because he said he got into this line of work to help save lives. “I don’t care if it is pulling someone out of a fire, cutting a kid out of a car or it’s the 50 year old man who was in Full Arrest and we bring him back – I don’t care, to me it’s all apart of my job and I love doing it. Unfortunately we’re to a point now to where we just can’t do it all.”
This May will mark 15 years on the Department for Marks, by far he said this is the worst he has ever seen it. “Our state association Secretary Treasurer, Mark Horton, made a statement earlier today that if we run this city with 11 Firefighters on a shift, we will be one of the lowest, if not the lowest, protected cities, of its size, in the State of Ohio. Unfortunately I don’t see this changing anytime soon, if you look at the Mayor’s plan we are at the top of the list when it comes to cutbacks – now if he passes a tax levy and money starts coming in we’re at the bottom of the rung when it comes to getting additional funds. So no, I don’t see this administration allowing us to get back to where we need to be to be provide the most effective service to the people of Elyria.”
In reaction to the interview we had with Mayor Grace, where the Mayor suggested that the Elyria Fire Department, during negotiations continually asked for more and more and when they got more they would ask for even more – Marks said that is simply not true. “We have never asked the city or this administration for hand outs, we have only asked for what we needed to provide the best protection for the City. We have only ever asked for a fair shake.”
Marks also wanted to clear up one other point and that’s about the current campaign to recall the Mayor. “It has been suggested by this Mayor that we are behind this and that is simply not true. We do not support the recall and I have said in meetings to our members that as a Union we do not in anyway support the recall. There might be Firefighters or family members who have signed the petition, but none of the members have worked with the group. There is a retired Firefighter heading up the campaign but no current Firefighters are a part of that group. That is not our job, our job is to provide safety for the citizens of Elyria and that is what we will continue to do.”
Dean Marks also said that if any citizen would like to speak with him directly about the current situation he welcomes the opportunity. You can reach him by calling the Fire Station at 440.323.4815.
As of today the changes presented are not final – the final, precise numbers are expected by the end of this month – perhaps by the end of the week. Full time employees are expecting their two-week notice on Friday, February 27th.
I've talked with several people from the fire department and was talking about the 11 firefighters in 2 stations and was told that the support we get from other stations in other areas would not be there due to the strain in there city's so that leaves us with nothing- 11 guys trying to do there job with no help how is this far to the people of Elyria people will lose everything before help comes i feel real bad for the people of Elyria and the men and woman trying to protect us.
mike burnsworth
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Let me first start out by saying that I do feel very bad for the new hires and everyone else that might end up getting laid off and do wish them the best. That being said, I think that the amount of money that some of these senior guys get paid, makes me sick! Of the top 10 earners in the city of Elyria in 2008, 8 were firefighters. Here is the list of the top then earners of 2008, as reported in The Chronicle.
Assistant Fire Chief Ron Brlas $123,688.13
Fire Capt. Jack Conjalko $121,251.26
Fire Capt. James Cawley $120,185. 41
Assistant Fire Chief Tim Mitchell $117,981.26
Assistant Fire Chief Glenn Saddler $115,424.73
Fire Capt. Joe Pronesti $113,171.99
Fire Lt. Carl Mandoke $111,215.99
Mayor Bill Grace $110,261.66
Fire Capt. Richard Benton $109,932.68
Police Lt. Andy Eichenlaub $107,150.70
So if you do the math, just to have these 8 fireman cost the city $932,871.45! That’s just for 8 firefighters! Now don’t get me wrong I understand that their job can be ruff at times but I don’t believe that they should be making that much money. I have talked to many of their IFF “brothers” and they all feel the same way, that this is a long time coming. They state that it is well known throughout other department that they “milk” the system for everything they can. Mike as for your post about no one coming to help if EFD calls for help, I think who ever you heard that from is just trying to scare you. As you can see from Yesterdays LCCC fire 14 other departments came to assist. So I think that shows that they were just blowing smoke up your ass. That is just my view on the situation, take it how you will. Again I feel bad for those of you who get laid off, and wish you the best of luck.
Bob Owsiak
Hey Bob - I'm curious to know how much of that money is base salary, and how much of it was over time that couldn't be helped?
Also, the problems in this city are far larger than just the Mayor and the fire department. It's the mentality of "I deserve and you should sacrifice." - and it's the same problem that the rest of the country has. It's going to take a lot before people start realizing that they're only worth what they work for, and the only thing that anyone deserves is an opportunity. That's it. You have to earn everything else.
Dear Bob Owsiak, No one is "milking" the system. Hire the manpower and the overtime goes away. The end of Story
Ffr. J. Castle
EFD Engine Co. 3
Lorain Blvd. @ Bell
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