The driver of a KIA minivan was traveling northbound on Middle Ave when she ran a red light, causing a Honda minivan that was traveling eastbound on Third Street to strike her.
Witnesses who were out for lunch said the KIA minivan spun around a couple times before coming to rest in front of the county Administration building.

Along with witnesses the driver of the KIA admitted to running the red light saying that she just wasn’t paying attention to the lights.
To see more photos from the scene: CLICK HERE
TMC, you almost got the chance to report on another broadside accident yesterday when a tow truck went halfway through the red light at East Avenue & Second Street. If the van next to me hadn't hit their brakes (light was green for them), this clown would have broadsided them as he went right through the red light into the middle of the intersection. So, now as an educational lesson, I'd like to present the following for (automatic transmission vehicle) drivers:
It's simple folks. If the light is green, step on the right pedal. If the light is red, step on the left pedal. Green=right pedal, red=left pedal. Repeat this a few times. Try it out in your driveway until you think you've got it down and then you're ready for the highways and byways of Elyria. Remember, the car you don't crunch may be mine. Thank you.
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