More than twenty Firefighters from around the area descended upon Elyria all this week for a “State backed Swift Water Class at an Operations Level.” The Ohio Emergency Management Agency sponsored different regions to hold the class throughout the State.
Lieutenant Rick Thrasher of the Elyria Fire Department said that if you asking enough times and proving that there was the need – Elyria got the class. “The unfortunate death we had of Wellington Firefighter Buzz Anderson a couple of years ago probably catapulted us into the forefront of having the need.” Thrasher also gives a lot of credit to area Fire Chiefs who strongly supported the class and who understand the great need for the teams and training. “The Chiefs absolutely have to be recognized for their efforts in getting this class to Lorain County. The Chiefs from Walker in Wellington, Young in Sheffield Village, Gardner in Carlisle and all the others who really worked hard to make this possible. They know how important this is, they see the value in having these men properly trained and ready to go at a moments notice.”
The week began inside a classroom with the Firefighters learning about the river and the expectations of the rescuers. Day two they headed outside for some more class time at the river. Days three and four were spent in the water.

All of the Firefighters who participated in the class are now State Certified and Thrasher says that the goal is to have a large group of trained rescuers to pull from when the need presents itself. “We had guys here from Sheffield Village, Avon, Carlisle, Elyria, Lorain and we even had a guy here from Lorain County Metro Parks and that is great that we have a nice diverse group and one of the ideas is that we are not over taxing any one municipality.”
Thrasher said that many of the area water related deaths occur when people don’t understand the rivers & lakes or when they don’t respect the danger that lies underneath. “Water is in our lives everyday so we underestimate it. A lot of people will think – “Well, I use to be a good swimmer” – then they quickly find out that it is very taxing, they’re not prepared hypodermically wise and there is just a big stress on the body that people are just not prepared for. These guys today, who are trained professionals, still found out how exhausting it is, even being prepare and properly dressed it’s still a tax on the body.”
To see more photos from the class: CLICK HERE
Saw the Elyria FD's trailer headed back to the station the other day and just want to say I'm glad it was for a training exercise and not another rescue (recovery) operation. Keep up the good work gentlemen!
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