Firefighters and LifeCare Paramedics responded to East River Road, west of Dewhurst, shortly after 9 PM after 17 year old Josh Norman of Elyria lost control of the 1999 Oldsmobile Aurora. Troopers say that Norman was traveling eastbound on East River when he lost control and drove off the right side of the road striking a tree.
Norman was transported to Elyria Memorial Hospital by LifeCare and then flown to MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland.
Kenneth Barnett, 17 of Elyria, was also a passenger in the car and was transported to Elyria Memorial Hospital.
Paletta was transported to Elyria Memorial where he was pronounced dead a short time later.
Although witnesses living near the crash site said they heard the car racing, Troopers say it is still too early to determine the cause of the crash.
The crash remains under investigation.
I live a mile down the street. Heard the car racing also. Minutes later a sheriff comes racing by. It's a shame.. A 15 year old KID. Charges need to be filed. I have a 3 year old son myself and if this was my child.. I don't know what I would do. Never seen so many Emergency vehicles pass East River in eight years we have lived here. I knew instantly there was a fatality. This leaves me speachless. Not even a mile down the street from my family home.
Speaking of speeding teens. I had called in a white Chevy Cavalier convertible on Rt 2 on Saturday. Two teens or young adults were swerving and almost flew of the Rt 58 exit while I was already on the phone with dispatch. I think we need to crack down on these kids before there are more gory deaths that take our kids. It's up to us to be a good influence and get the message out.
Thanks for listening.
We have way too many incidents like this each year around this time. Summer's coming on and the accidents seem to increase. Parents, please tell your children to not speed, know the road you're driving on (there's a wicked turn on East River that I'm sure has been the site of a lot of accidents over the years) and stay off the cell phone while driving. Not sure if any of these were a factor in the accident, but still good advice.
Most importantly, condolences to the family on their loss of a young man who had an entire life in front of him that he can no longer look forward to.
Wasn't a law or something passed last year that if you were under 18 you couldn't drive with more than one other teen/peer in the car? Or did I dream that?
So sad for the family.
This is such a shame. I live a few houses from where this happended and it was loud. My condolences go out to the boys and their families, especially the Paletta's. Our family prayed for you last night and we will continue to pray for all of you. This is a horrible accident and we pray that God will take all of you in his arms and help you through this for all the days to come. I hope that somehow you will all find peace.
knowing one of the kids personally in that car from my past, it scares me! it could have been him, it could have been other people! WEAR SEATBELTS AND THINK ABOUT THE LIVES YOU MAY TAKE BEFORE YOU ACT!
kaylynne linden-17-elyria
This is crazy. I knew this kid. It's still crazy what can happen out there if your not careful. R.I.P JOEY
Such a shame slow down and respect the roads... i drive a fast car and i know theres a place for that the track.. drive normal on the roads you wants to speed and drive fast auto x or drag race on a closed course... we dont need people dieing its a nice summer out.. :(
My stepson and all 3 boys involved in this horrible accident were very close friends. It pains me to think my sweet loving stepson could have been in that car with Josh, Kenny, and Joey P. I feel so very sad for Joey P's family to have to bury such a young and vivacious boy way way before his time. Please, parents, use this horrible tragedy as a learning tool. We are not invincible and we need to find a way to reach our kids and help them to understand that the driving laws that are in place are there to keep things like this from happening.
As for Josh and Kenny...these two kids will have to live with the loss of their friend for the rest of their lives. Their lives will NEVER be the same. I pray that somehow, someway, they both will be able to think of all the good times they were able to have together and think of Joey P when they are wrestling with doing what the "in" crowd is doing and doing the right thing.
Joey is my best friend and the only person i was able to talk to i love him and he will always be in my heart
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