According to the State Patrol Robert J. Wuensch, 37 of Grafton, was riding a 2005 Harley Davidson motorcycle eastbound on State Route 57. Amy A. Jackson, 35 of Cleveland, was driving a 2002 Sienna Minivan westbound on State Route 57. Jackson reportedly attempted to make a left turn onto Mennell Road when she collided with Wuensch in the intersection.
Chief Bob Richards of the Grafton Township Fire Department said that when Jackson was making the turn Wuensch hit the brakes. “The motorcyclist applied his brakes and laid his bike down, at some time he left the bike and struck the side of the minivan shattering the glass.”

Chief Richards said that with the weather turning nicer more bikes would be out on the roadways. “The motorcyclist enthusiasts want to get out as soon as they can with the nice weather and they’re a little rusty from being down for the winter then you combine that with people having not seen bikes on the road for months makes it dangerous.” Richards said that another factor is road conditions at this time of the year. “We haven’t had any real heavy spring rains to wash the debris off the roadways from winter, the stones and gravel. They are all contributing factors.”
Although the crash remains under investigation by the State Patrol they do not believe alcohol or drugs were involved. Wuensch was not wearing a helmet at the time of the crash.
The Medina Post of the State Highway Patrol is investigating a motorcycle crash that occurred late Saturday night at the Medina / Lorain County border. The motorcyclist in that crash laid his bike down in Medina County and crossed over coming to rest in Lorain County. The biker was flown to MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland where he was still in surgery at 11 P.M. Saturday night. That biker was also not wearing his helmet at the time of the crash. The Medina Post of the State Patrol is investigating that crash.
To see more photos from the Grafton Township crash scene: CLICK HERE
Good job Officer Pozywak for blocking the lanes! lol
It appears that she pulled in front on the him.
Sad day, to say the least.
It's very sad. Truly a very tragic ending. Rob leaves behind children and a wonderful family. As his cousin, I can only hope his death was not because of someone simply not paying attention, a mistake that will carry on for the rest of her life.
We will miss you Rob.
This is truly a very tragic ending. Rob leaves behind children and a wonderful family. As his cousin, I can only hope his death was not because of someone simply not paying attention, a mistake that will carry on for the rest of her life.
We will miss you Rob.
Another article mentioned a dip in the road just before this turnoff and said that may have contributed to the van driver's inability to see the motorcycle, however I do want to raise the question (and I know this may spur lots of debate) of whether he may have survived had he been wearing a helmet? Also, having talked to bikers, they tend to agree that just because a motorcycle has 2 wheels (instead of 4), that does not mean that it is more maneuverable on the road. Lastly, the motorcyclist has enough problems this time of year (trying to avoid unpatched potholes, debris on roads, etc.), so please give them a little more room and consideration on the roads. Condolences to this man's family & friends!
The title should have read Motorcycleist looses his life because a dumb driver wasn't paying attention. There are more and more bikes on the road these days so pay more attention to what you are doing. I've had my bike out three times this year and was cut off twice. Haas
Posted by osjan201970 on 04/07/08 at 5:42AM
i knew robb, not only was he an ex boyfriend of mine, but we remained good friends even after our breakup. he was a very kind, friendly, thoughtful,RESPONSIBLE person, who lived life to its fullest everyday, no matter what was going on in his life he always had a smile on his face, i never seen him mad, angry or with a frown. i have known him for 5 years, and he is by far the best person i ever knew. he had a family who anyone would be pleased and honored to call their own. robb leaves behind a beautiful little girl who will be 8 years old this month, and he was to get married here soon and take on the step father roll to 4 children. robb would of done anything for anyone, as long as it didnt hurt anyone in the process. robb was not your typical biker nor did he have the biker attitude, he was far from the intimidating type and would never go out looking for trouble or a fight, he wore his heart on his sleeve and his happiness for life in his smile. robb liked life too much to cause an accident that would of costed him his life, the pain to his daughter and his family, and the agony to his soon to be added family with his fiance' and her children. these days there are many bikers who do not wear helmets, it is drivers who think they own the road, not bikers or people who ride bikes, people just have no respect for them and are in too big of a hurry to get where they are going instead of being safe and waiting 3 seconds before taking that turn that is so important to them. robb died about 500 feet or less from his home, he lived there for many many years, he knew them roads like he knew the back of his hand, and if he felt like it was dangerous, he probably would of went slower then even the speed limit, he had too much to live for, he would of NEVER been careless while riding and that woman costed a wonderful person his life cause she had no patience to just wait, if it was his fault, he would of never slammed into the side of her minivan and his head would of never went through her SIDE window. so people grow up and take a real look, maybe then you will see how people in vehicles just dont give two craps about people on bikes.
RIP robb.... i told you that you will always have a place in my heart when you were alive, and you will always have a place in my heart even in death.
you will be missed greatly. you were a great person and things just started going your way again in life. this is not fair. just goes to show we never know when it is our time. i will miss you rob. thinking about you angie......
Nikki, the typical biker is not intimidating or a trouble make anymore. We are from all walks of life. It was a tradgedy what happend and he sounds like someone we all would have liked riding with.
Look twice before pulling out or pulling over, for bikes and cars.
Pete "the meat" Avon
It is very sad that this young man lost his life due to the fact that someone crossed the road in front of him. What is even worse, the remarks that "motorcycle riders are "rusty" from not riding all winter". That was rude and uncalled for in my opinion. It makes it sound like the blame is put on the motorcyclists and that is not right. Those of us that are in cars, truck, mini-vans, SUV's need to pay more attention to our surroundings, people are going to be out walking, riding bicycles, and motorcycles and we need to take out part in protecting those people.
My thoughts and prayers are with Roberts family and friends.
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