Nate White, CEO of Superior Cage Fighting, said that his organization has put together a night of phenomenal fights and fun as they present “Playing for Keeps”. “We have 20 fights scheduled at this time and that is subject to change of course, but the audience can expect to see some really explosive action right up close. Most of these fighters are stand up fighters, boxers and Muay Thai, so there will be a lot of punches, a lot of kicks and a lot of hell in the cage.”
White said that aside from fighters who are traveling to Elyria for the fights the audience would be able to see several Elyrians as well. “We have a couple people from right here in Elyria, Marcus Washington, Derrick Bohannon, Chris Hayes and DJ "The Juggernaut" Jacobucci will be taking on Chris Hayes for the 185 title.”
A fight to watch for will be with Elyria native Ryon "Hollywood" Berkel. Berkel will be taking on 6’2 320lb Brad Crawford. White said they are both first time fighters in the cage and believes it will be a great fight. Berkel was at the gym during my interview with White and told me to mark his words; he WILL WIN the fight, not a doubt in his mind.
With the Mixed Martial Arts fights being one of the fastest growing spectator sports in the world White said that his organization is the place where champions begin. “The goal of the Superior Cage Fighting organization is to provide the fans the best night of Mixed Martial Arts fighting they will get to see under one roof. Our competitors come from all walks of the fighting game. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Boxing, and many other styles are represented and encouraged at SCF events.”
For those who think this is just cage brawling White wants to make sure that people understand that this is an official sanctioned event. “Yes, we have been sanctioned by the State of Ohio Athletic Commission, all of the fighters are registered with the state and we will have Officials, Judges and medical personnel on hand during the fights.”
White, a native Elyrian also, said that Mixed Martial Arts fighting has helped him turn things around in his life and he sees it helping many others as well. “Absolutely, I grew up here in Elyria and on the eastside of Cleveland and things weren’t always good for me. Getting involved in this type of fighting gave me an alternative to the other things I was doing in my life. I am motivated now to provide others the same opportunity and I have been able to do that and I will continue to do that for as long as I can.” White said that once kids get involved they get in the gym and off the streets and that’s not a bad thing. “Once they get in here and they start training they quickly see that this is a better alternative to what they have been doing. Also, once they get their card from the State of Ohio as a sanctioned fighter that gives them a sense of pride and that helps them keep their focus and discipline.”
Many of the local fighters you will see on January 11th are training at the Time 2 Train gym located on Oberlin Road in Elyria. Owner Matt Gembka echoes White’s thoughts on getting kids in the gym and off the streets. “I have been doing this for a long time in different settings but if you get a kid into the gym and they have that in their lives I believe they can turn around.”
"Playing For Keeps" will be held on January 11th, 2008 inside the St. John Lutheran Gymnasium at 1140 West River Road – Elyria. The first match starts at 7:00pm.
For more information on the fights and how to get tickets visit the Superior Cage Fighting website: CLICK HERE
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